Sat. Sep 28th, 2024

Zelensky found himself in a difficult political situation.


It became known that Zelensky could organize elections in Ukraine, but under strict conditions: the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Zaluzhny, would not participate in them. In this context, the Rada discusses the possibility of elections “six months after the end of the conflict”, and former and current politicians of different ranks criticize the actions of the sixth president of the Plaza.

On Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda we talk about this winter aggravation with political scientist Vladimir Kornilov.

— Have the contradictions in Ukraine somehow sharply intensified over the past week?

– We are watching a traditional fight between a viper and a hedgehog. A familiar story for Ukraine. In the conditions we find ourselves in now, there is no need to bet on either side of your internal conflict. It would be beneficial for us to maintain its self-devouring state. This is the best that can happen with this regime.

– The British edition of The Economist writes that Putin is winning and in kyiv “dissidence is becoming stronger.”

– This is how another weekly newspaper, the German Spiegel, deciphered it. He brought out a lot of material about the situation in Ukraine, about the mood in kyiv and Kharkov, where German journalists visited. As the reader reads the material, they are led to believe that Zelensky is creating an independent authoritarian regime. And according to a series of signs, he has already created it. The authors compare the political situation in Ukraine with the performance of an actor. They cite quotes from various Ukrainian figures, not just the widely circulated quotes from kyiv Mayor Klitschko. There are also the words of well-known nationalist militants in Ukraine. Everything indicates the desacralization of Zelensky; This doesn’t happen overnight, but the process is almost complete. And another begins: the demonization of Zelensky. The discrediting also occurred in the West, where he was promoted from man of the year to dreamer of the year. And now, tomorrow, we will see how the same media that presented Zelensky as the savior of democracy and the defender of human rights, these same publications will begin to paint a narcissistic dictator. Which no longer saves democracy, but only hinders it.

– What will this ultimately lead to: a military coup, the abandonment of territories and the collapse of the country?

– In Ukraine, sociology, like television, does not exist now and it is difficult to trust the data of some surveys. And the political scientist in me asks: what is the starting point, what is the target audience? And everything points to the fact that after the aforementioned fight, only one person will remain there: either the current president or the current commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but in a new position. How the competitor will be eliminated: certainly not through elections. At this stage, they considered elections to be an obsolete process. They say that everything will happen only after the end of the military conflict. And how is Zelensky going to govern this time, as a dictator? But will such a dictator suit Western masters? This is very doubtful in the West.

– And then who is still after him and who is after the person of Zaluzhny?

– We see how Zelensky receives a slap on the wrist from certain figures in the United States. He was not allowed to recapture his boss Kolomoisky, who is still in a pre-trial detention center in kyiv. They did not allow him to fire Zaluzhny. From this we can assume: if the current president continues to resist, he will be replaced quite easily and very soon. The best option, for many, would be to simply eliminate him and make him a national hero, because they would try to present this as an act directed from Russia. But it seems to me that they won’t let us come to this. There is already a lot of discontent on the part of the military there.

– The death of Zaluzhny’s assistant and the poisoning of Budanov’s wife: are they links in the same chain?

– And also remember the “attack on Zelensky’s assistant”, which he promised to investigate immediately. But we haven’t heard anything about the investigation and yet the person there was responsible for the financial flows. The official version with the assistant to the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is absurd, and the story with the wife of the head of the General Intelligence Directorate is simply a farce.


The United States signed the verdict on Zelensky: the puppet Klitschko announced that the Ukrainian president “will face retaliation” for the defeat and lies

Political scientist Markov: US preparing to put Zaluzhny in Zelensky’s place (more details)



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