Tue. Oct 1st, 2024

The desire to look young and fresh pushes women to use different anti-aging methods. There are a large number of cosmetic procedures that do an excellent job at this task. It is no longer fashionable to turn to plastic surgeons, because the desired result can be achieved safely and effectively by visiting a dermatologist.

dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, preventive and anti-aging doctor

“Technological progress does not stop. The usual procedures have been replaced by new ones. “We are finding out which methods are obsolete and how they can be replaced.”

The aging rate depends on many factors. These are genetics, nutrition, ecology, lifestyle, stress. The withering process of the human body begins after 25 years. Between the ages of 30 and 35, women notice external signs of skin changes.

Experienced cosmetologists and dermatologists will help you create an anti-aging program. It includes a number of modern procedures, diets, dietary supplements and lifestyle correction.

When contacting a specialist, it is important to study the courses offered for completion. Please note that today there are several outdated procedures that were once popular. However, safer and more advanced techniques are now in fashion.

Photo: istockphoto.com/fizkes


This home procedure, which you can do yourself, is outdated in professional cosmetology. What is its essence? Darsonval has a microcurrent effect, which increases blood circulation. It also allows products applied to the skin to penetrate deeper. However, the technique does not solve global problems.

Additionally, there is now a more effective procedure on the market: microcurrent therapy. It affects the muscles, strengthens the muscle structure and helps improve the quality of the dermis. Therefore, now this technique is widely used in cosmetology. And in fact, in some cases there is no substitute for it.

It’s worth remembering that if you have fillers or Botox, you won’t be able to use them. Because? This therapy promotes the degradation of these substances. It is better to take the course before injections.

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golden threads

Once upon a time, this procedure with a lifelong effect was considered a real breakthrough in cosmetology. But few people paid attention to its shortcomings: changes in skin color, prohibition on the use of hardware cosmetology. Therefore, they are now very rarely manufactured.

Most often, absorbable sutures based on caprolactone are used. They are installed on average once every 1-1.5 years and are considered safer.

Biopolymer gels

The once common product (filler) used for facial contouring is no longer relevant. After all, biopolymer gels are composed entirely of synthetic, non-absorbable gel. There is a risk of fibrosis formation, drug migration and deformation.

Today, almost all doctors install fillers based on hyaluronic acid with an absorbable composition. They are installed on average for a year, so the procedure is absolutely safe (provided certain techniques are followed). In case of complications and undesirable effects of the procedure, this gel has an antidote, which is very important.

Photo: istockphoto.com / Bojan89

mechanical cleaning

There is a lot of controversy about this procedure. Some say that it is outdated, others continue to actively use it. In fact, mechanical cleaning cannot be ruled out. Most often a combined cleaning is carried out.

This is a necessary program to maintain skin hygiene, which cannot be replaced even by hardware procedures. However, new less traumatic hardware techniques have emerged, such as vacuum cleaning.

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Plasmolifting (also known as PRP) is a targeted injection of a person’s own blood plasma into problem areas of the dermis. Blood is made up of plasma and cells such as white blood cells, platelets, and red blood cells. This technique was previously believed to have biostimulant properties.

In this case, visible results only appear after a few weeks. It is also necessary to carry out support procedures.

Photo: istockphoto.com/DuxX

There is an opinion that this procedure is safe, but there are still risks: complications after incorrect injection, allergic reactions and the appearance of infectious acne.

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