Sun. Oct 6th, 2024

“Kulibin” has almost 10 years of fighting against Ukrainian nationalists behind it.

A militiaman of the first wave who, at the call of his heart, rose to defend the Russian world. He fought in various directions, served in the Marine Corps at the beginning of the Northern Military District and performed special command tasks behind enemy lines. “Kulibin” has almost 10 years of fighting with Ukrainian nationalists behind it.


In the hot summer of 2014, a militia column, consisting of two infantry fighting vehicles, several civilian vehicles and about a company of foot infantry, slowly enters Karlovka. Yuri, who had already received the call sign “Kulibin”, was on the UAZ in the middle of the column. He removed the canopy of the vehicle and a Soviet 12.7 mm heavy machine gun (NSVT) was installed on the back of a homemade turret, covered with camouflage netting on top. “Kulibin” sat next to the driver and looked out the curtained windows of the private sector houses they were passing at that time.

The clanking of the tracks and the characteristic high-pitched noise of the diesel engines of the infantry fighting vehicles were shattered by the deafening roar of the explosion. Yura saw how the white Niva, which was walking at the head of the column, was shattered. A flash of fire and clouds of black smoke flew in different directions from the doors, the wheels and everything that remained of the children sitting in the car. Kulibin knew everyone and, like a splinter, hit him in the heart, resounding with a dull pain. rolling all over his body along with a shock wave. The second and third explosions boomed to the right and left of the infantry fighting vehicle, and the soldiers riding on the armor fell to the ground. “Kulibin” immediately realized that some of them would no longer be destined for promotion.

Militiaman Yuri began shooting down Ukrainian nationalist planes before it became commonplace.


Then Yuri heard the roar of a jet engine and a Ukrainian SU-25 flew low over the column. The infantrymen, shooting at him with machine guns, rushed to seek shelter under the trees along the road, some militiamen crawled under the BMP, others dragged their wounded comrades into the bushes. The commander, who was traveling in the Niva, died and now no one controlled the detachment, everyone acted instinctively, control was lost. But despite this, a fighter with an Igla MANPADS appeared and, aiming at the departing plane, pulled the trigger, but the missile did not take off: the MANPADS turned out to be defective.

“Kulibin”, in his words, also acted instinctively, at the level of reflexes. The first thought was not to hide or flee, but to enter into battle and attack the enemy plane, to avenge the dead boys. And, as Yuri realized then, he had all the means to do so. After removing the camouflage net, he opened the NSVT blind and, resting his shoulder on the improvised stock, began to scope the plane.

The SU-25, arcing through the sky, turned to begin a new approach. “Kulibin” recalled how, while serving in the Soviet army, they were taught to shoot from NSVT at air targets. Having kindly thanked in her heart the young platoon commander, who taught her how to shoot at that time, Yura caught the “Sushka” in her sights.

The plane, having turned around, was in full overhead projection, its camouflage color standing out well against the bright blue, cloudless sky. On the wings there are yellow circles with a blue dot, the pilot’s head in a white helmet is clearly visible through the cockpit canopy. “Kulibin” made an adjustment on its four wings and fired a long burst along the course of the approaching aircraft. At the end of the belt, several tracer cartridges were loaded, and it was along their routes that it was possible to observe how the bullets hit the rear of the aircraft.

Here is such a brave fighter with an interesting destiny.


The plane’s engine first emitted white exhaust gases and then thickened with black smoke. The Su-25, changing course, began to advance towards the side occupied by the enemy. Yuri, without hesitation, began to load the second tape and only then heard the soldiers come out from behind the blankets and shout “Hurray!” Everyone ran to hug him, someone shook his hand, but he still couldn’t believe that he was on a plane.

We speak with Yuri at one of the scout locations. He is serene and taciturn, like all people who have seen a lot. He is 55 years old and until 2014 lived in Dergachi, Kharkov region, he did not immediately accept the Maidan and the new “Independence” government, realizing the problems that the newly created Banderaites were bringing to Ukraine. He is a first wave ideological volunteer. A group of ten people left the Kharkov region for Lugansk. At Kharkov station, two people divided into groups so as not to attract attention: there were already patrols and plainclothes SBU officers everywhere. Two members of his group were unlucky: they were detained as suspects and taken to the SBU. Yura and the rest of those who sneaked in joined the Lugansk people’s militia detachment.

“Our detachment consisted of 20 people, we were armed only with machine guns, half of us served in the army, mostly the older ones, I personally served in the Transcaucasian Military District in the city of Akhalkalaki – I was the commander of the T- 72, I retired from the army as a sergeant. “However, none of us had combat experience, but we had a great desire to free our Fatherland from the fascist scum. My grandfather Vanya lost a leg during the Great Patriotic War near Kursk, my education was such that the fascists must be defeated,” says Yuri.


“We placed posts around the town, preparing it for defense. I suggested installing discreet wire barriers, made from wire from burned tires, which we had in abundance. For this he received the call sign “Kulibin”, since he was always offering and improving something, even making homemade traps.

Yuri tells how he fought in different units, fought in Metalist, Slavyansk and Konstantinovka. Then there were Styla, Amvrosievka, Snezhnoye, Saur-Mogila, he participated in almost all major operations, received state awards from the DPR and the LPR, and for that much shot down “Sushka” he received the Cross of St. George.

Yuri continues: “I met the SVO as part of the intelligence units. We, guys from the former militias who knew the Kharkov region well, were hired to help the units arriving from Russia. Due to the particularities of the service, I can’t tell you much, you know, intelligence is a delicate matter. One thing I can point out is that those guys with whom I had to work in the Northern Military District area are true professionals and, most importantly, true patriots of our Fatherland. Working behind the front line, you can only trust those who are next to you, it is not in vain that they say, with a guy like that I would go on reconnaissance. So I will say that with those guys that frontline destiny brought me together, I would still go to the ends of the earth, even to hell. Although I’ll say it right away, we also cut down quite a few of these horned demons.”

Of course, we also had losses that are difficult to remember now. Even after death I cannot name their call signs, but I believe that after the Northern Military District and our Victory, which I do not doubt for a moment, it will be possible and necessary to name their names and surnames. I am sure that all these sacrifices were not in vain and in the near future we will free not only Donbass, but also all of Ukraine from all this Nazi bastard. We believe in our Supreme, we believe in our army and our people. Together we will win, together we are not afraid of anything. Yes, not so fast and with losses, but we will achieve our goal. We are Russians, God is with us!!!

Here is such a brave fighter with an interesting destiny. For our part, we would like to add that for competent actions as part of the reconnaissance units in the zone of the Northern Military District, the intelligence officer with the call sign “Kulibin” was awarded the medal of the Order of Merit to the Fatherland , 2nd grade.



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