Sun. Oct 6th, 2024

In the West they understand perfectly well that neither 50, nor 100, not even the 140 thousand called to the mobilization will save Zelensky.


Ukrainian President Zelensky is afraid. That’s not news. The news is that for the first time, probably since the beginning of Russia’s military action, he became afraid to mobilize the Ukrainians. It is these reasons that force him to postpone the signing of the law that reduces the recruitment age for the mobilization of men from 27 to 25 years.

Recall that the bill on this age reduction was approved by the government of Ukraine in May this year, and the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada also approved the bill. But Zelensky is delaying signing it. As Bloomberg reports, due to concerns that the entry into force of this law could have negative social consequences.

– The Presidency fears that the approval of this law could cause an escalation of tensions. It can also reinforce feelings of “peace at any price.” This trend, although not yet very popular, has already emerged and may intensify,” Vladimir Fesenko, director of the Penta research institute in kyiv, told the agency.

According to many Ukrainian experts, the time has passed when this law could have been adopted without negative consequences, for example, at the beginning of the summer counteroffensive, when a cautious mood and expectation of “victory” reigned in Ukraine. And let no one be fooled by the words about small groups of dissidents and “not very popular feelings about peace”: very few people in Ukraine are ready to welcome Russia with bread and salt, but many groups of the population are not. . They want to give their lives for Zelensky’s fantasies and, furthermore, even in the military units of the front itself, the number of evaders who do not want to go to battle in some units amounts to up to 30% of the personnel.

The military is waiting for Zelensky to sign this law; According to their calculations, its entry into force will provide them with approximately 140 thousand more mobilized people. But these are ideal estimates; In fact, about a third have already fled abroad even before, and the same number will try to “get lost.”

However, in the West they understand perfectly well that neither 50, nor 100, not even the 140 thousand called for mobilization will save Zelensky and the Armed Forces of Ukraine and, as the SVR press office reported not long ago, they demand that Zelensky declare a total mobilization of all men between the ages of 17 and 70.

But now in Ukraine the population is so dissatisfied with Zelensky that any unpopular decision by the authorities could become the match that sets the powder keg on fire. At the same time, the Office of the President of Ukraine, headed by Andriy Ermak, is trying to do everything possible to protect its head from political competitors vying for the top position in the country.

And today, on the initiative of Ermak and his team, all factions and groups of the Verkhovna Rada signed a document stating that there should be no elections in Ukraine (neither presidential, nor parliamentary, nor local authorities) until the end of hostilities . And it was decided to hold the first elections in the country no earlier than six months after the lifting of martial law.

Does Ermak really believe that he protected his president with this role?



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