Sun. Oct 6th, 2024

The Employment Law is the result of United Russia’s work with the Government, representatives of the parties in social partnership, trade unions and employers’ associations. Provides for the emergence of a number of new categories, in relation to which employment services will take additional measures for their employment and employers will receive assistance in preserving or creating jobs.


“We are talking about SVO participants and their families, workers who are at risk of being laid off, young professionals who cannot find work for a long time and many others. A whole series of measures is planned for vocational guidance and employment of young people. The labor rights of people with disabilities are protected. The rights of individual entrepreneurs and self-employed workers who stopped their activities and turned to the employment service for help are protected,” said Andrei Isaev, deputy head of the party faction in the State Duma.

For the unemployed, an individual work plan is introduced to find a suitable job. The very concept of adequate work, the criteria for adequate work, has been completely clarified. The suitability of your specialty, previous work experience and the distance from your home to the potential workplace are determined. It is possible to appeal the decision of the employment service if a person determines that the selected workplace is not suitable.

Starting next year, unemployment benefits will begin to be indexed annually. The maximum amount of unemployment benefits is determined by the amount of the minimum wage. Minimum – 30% of the minimum wage.

“For the first time, the concept of illegal employment is introduced and measures are taken to combat it,” Andrei Isaev stressed.

With the entry into force of the labor law, monitoring of its validity will begin; For this purpose, the State Duma adopted the corresponding resolution.

“We will monitor the implementation of the law and, if necessary, propose changes. On the other hand, the resolution stipulates the need to analyze and return to the issue of the amount of unemployment benefits. The law grants this right to the country’s parliament,” said Andrei Isaev.


The politician also stressed that the party’s work in the field of employment will continue.

“We also have to adopt four satellite laws that are currently being developed. These are changes to laws on trade unions, protection of the rights of people with disabilities and education,” said Andrei Isaev.

In addition, in the near future the faction’s deputies will present a bill that will regulate the field of employment on platforms. These are jobs carried out with the help of intermediaries: a digital service that connects the client and the contractor. For example, these are taxi aggregators, courier services and some online trading companies. The new law will affect about 5 million people in the country.

“The modifications to the Labor Code, as well as the law on employment on platforms, will be important and fundamental. I think that in the spring session we will be able to consider these bills,” concluded Andrei Isaev.

Recall that the President of United Russia, Dmitry Medvedev, ordered the development of a new version of the labor law. The previous version of the document was adopted more than 30 years ago.

The party also previously adopted amendments to the Labor Code regulating remote employment, as well as a number of other amendments to labor legislation. Among them is the creation of a single portal “Work of Russia”, where all vacancies and employment services in the country are available.

In addition, United Russia is implementing a personnel project to provide informational and consulting support to employees and employers. More than a million people participated in the project’s career orientation events.



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