Mon. Oct 7th, 2024

– We want to dispel many stereotypes of perception of our region, as well as show what it is like now and how it will be. The main value for us is people. We are developing the Southern Urals, making life more comfortable, so that every person wants to live, love, start a family, have children, get an education, work and relax here. We have a wonderful region! – The governor of the region, Alexey Teksler, convinced the guests at the exhibition on the day of the Chelyabinsk region.

Naturally, the industrial potential is presented at the stand, but also in an unusual format. Pipes with an impressive diameter of up to half a meter wind along the exhibition: they are products of one of the largest enterprises in the region, the Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant. They are normally used to lay utility lines, only here they have a black velvety surface: guests can sit comfortably on the pipe and immediately charge their phone.

In the mechanical engineering zone, through transparent screens, you can see in detail 3D models of a trolleybus (the Sinara group began producing them in Chelyabinsk this year), a tram (produced by Ust-Katavsky Carriage Plant) and, for Of course, an arctic bus. This unique type of transport, specially designed for the Far North, is capable of operating at temperatures below 50 degrees. And, according to the governor, the new product is already in demand on the market: oil and gas companies are placing orders.

The figures and indicators of the economic development of the region on the stand are not surprising, but the entire exhibition speaks about it. The introduction of modern and innovative technologies in industrial production is a stable trend. It is no coincidence that investments in fixed assets grow every year: this year, according to forecasts, they will reach 493 billion rubles. For comparison: in 2022 they amounted to just over 337 billion, and a year earlier, 326.6. The region is among the Russian leaders in industrial development: metallurgy, mechanical engineering and other “heavy” industries are traditionally strong here. For example, on almost all trucks in the country the wheels are made at the Chelyabinsk forging and pressing plant. And this year at the Ural Automobile Plant the construction of a second conveyor began (the first began operation during the Great Patriotic War).

Special attention is paid to the development of a tourist destination in the Chelyabinsk region: such beauty should be within the reach of anyone who wants to touch the place of power.

A separate exhibit at the exhibition is dedicated to scientific and space advances in the Southern Urals. It begins with the presentation of a guest from the Universe – a piece of meteorite that fell into Lake Chebarkul in February 2013. As Alexey Teksler joked when presenting the exhibition to the guests: “We are so hospitable that even people fly to us from the outer space”. A meteorite fragment was incorporated into a board on which young visitors to the exhibition can play as astronauts. And two steps away, it is no longer an extraterrestrial guest, but ours, the space conqueror of the South Urals, the robot Fedor, created in Magnitogorsk.

– Fedor will soon be 10 years old, it was developed by us together with the Foundation for Advanced Research. This is a representative of robots that are capable of moving autonomously, while a person can manipulate them directly. That is, on Earth I put on a copying device, an exoskeleton, I connect to the machine and, so to speak, I inhabit a robot that at that moment is, for example, on the ISS, on the Moon or on a neighbor. building. The distance is not important, the main thing is that I can control it in detail and perform complex work remotely,” Evgeny Dudorov, CEO of NPO Android Technology, explained to RG correspondent.

Although Fedor from the exhibition can do many things, this is still a demonstration sample. By the way, at VDNH, in the space pavilion, his twin brother lives, which precedes the exhibition dedicated to the future of astronautics. And the aforementioned Magnitogorsk company is implementing the next scientific project – the creation of a teledroid. It is a new generation anthropomorphic robot that will work on the outer surface of the ISS. Tentatively, it should fly to the ISS in mid-2025. At the same time, devices are being developed to train operators who will work with teledroids, no matter where they are.

But not only advanced and unique developments were a revelation for visitors to the exhibition: visitors are also surprised by things or achievements familiar to the inhabitants of the South Urals. The region is really opening up in a new way. Few people know, for example, that in the South Urals not only is one in four tons of steel in Russia melted, but also one in five packages of pasta is produced. For children at the stand there is even an interactive game “Catch the pasta”, an adapted version of the Soviet game “Well, wait a minute!”, Only instead of a wolf and eggs there is a camel (the symbol of region). , printed on its shield), which catches pasta at high speed. Food brands from the South Urals can be found in any store in Russia and the CIS countries. It is not the first year that the region ranks second in the country in flour production and third in supply of cereals to the market.

But whatever industrial or agro-industrial achievements of the Chelyabinsk region, they cannot disrupt the green theme, which has become the leitmotif of the region’s exhibition. Wherever you look, the stunning beauty of the South Urals opens up. How could it be otherwise, since in the region there are more than three thousand lakes, three national parks, 142 specially protected areas and the tourist infrastructure is actively developing.

“Often, when we flew over Chelyabinsk, we saw only a solid gray haze under the wing of the plane. And now all the gray has disappeared and we understand how beautiful this region is,” an elderly couple from Siberia, Galina and Nikolai Nemsadze, admitted to an RG correspondent.

Today special attention is paid to the development of tourism in the Chelyabinsk region. As the head of the region admitted, such beauty should be within the reach of anyone who wants to touch the place of power on earth.

– Of course, tourism is an engine of development in our region. The Chelyabinsk region is the country’s leader in creating modular accommodation facilities. Thanks to the support of the Russian government, the region will receive 918 million rubles for the implementation of this program. About three dozen modular hotels with more than 850 rooms are planned to be built. It is clear that medium and small businesses will participate in the project, which will boost the development of entrepreneurship. And industrial tourism, which is also in demand in our region, is also an opportunity to be proactive in terms of career guidance for young people,” Alexey Teksler explained about the development prospects of this sector.

The green issue for an industrial region is, of course, not only the beauty of lakes and mountains, but also environmental issues. As Vladimir Yakushev, Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Ural Federal District, highlighted, thanks to active participation in the national project “Clean Air”, both Chelyabinsk and the region have changed noticeably in a relatively short period of time. short. . The dream of the residents of the Urals to live in an environmentally friendly environment is coming true.

– The region is developing dynamically, showing good results both in the economic and social spheres. Cities and towns in the Chelyabinsk region are changing. And the main wealth of the region is, of course, the people. All achievements are only thanks to them, Vladimir Yakushev is sure.

Alexey Teksler emphasizes: the words “Chelyabinsk” and “man” are even grammatically related: they begin with a common syllable. This means that its meaning is inseparable.



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