Mon. Oct 7th, 2024

On the historic birthday of Yekaterinburg, according to tradition, the Vasily Tatishchev and Wilhelm de Gennin awards were presented, annually recognizing professional contributions to the development of the city. Today, in the year of the 300th anniversary of the capital of the Urals, among the laureates is a group of employees of the energy holding T Plus, who received the award in the category “For merits in the field of economics and urban development “. for the project “Automated heat supply control system for Yekaterinburg” (ASUT).

Not all city residents know that the supply of heating and domestic hot water to their homes is automatically regulated, although the Smart City digital system has already been in operation for three years. One of the laureates, CEO of Ekaterinburg Heating Network Company (ETK), Andrei Shmelkov, explains: when pumping stations and central heating points became automated and consumers began to transmit data from metering devices in each home , a large amount of information began to accumulate. As a result, it was possible to use all this data to control the central heating system online, from an automated operator workstation. Today, the central panel shows all energy sources, networks and heating points in the metropolis.

In fact, the automated control system consists of four modules: a SCADA system for monitoring and controlling the heat supply process, a modeling system, a data archive and an analytical module. The control system allows you to continuously monitor and manage the operating parameters of the main equipment. The second module, based on real data, allows you to simulate the situation and make informed decisions on the management of the heat supply system as a whole. The business analysis module aggregates accumulated file data, presenting samples in the form of various graphs, maps, etc. This allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of decisions made and plan activities for the future.

By the way, automated control systems not only take on a large amount of routine work, relieving line staff, dispatchers and other specialists, but also help prevent serious problems by identifying them very quickly.

– For example, the system shows that in some area the parameters have changed drastically; For example, greater water consumption is recorded. This means that there is most likely damage to the networks. We quickly send a team to the site, which eliminates it even before consumers have time to feel any discomfort,” says Igor Murtazin, chief engineer at ETK.

Members of the award-winning team provide the following figures: The implementation of automated control systems made it possible already in 2021 to reduce the total technological and commercial losses in ETK networks by approximately 100 million rubles, or 4.5% compared to the level of 2018. , due to greater planning precision, optimization of hydraulic and temperature conditions, rapid identification of loss sources. A pleasant advantage for the energy engineers themselves is the reduction of fuel and electricity consumption for the needs of thermal power plants, boiler rooms and network pumps. Well, for consumers, all these changes mean an increase in the reliability and quality of heat and hot water supply services.

By the way

Modern technical and digital solutions developed and tested by energy engineers in Yekaterinburg can now be successfully replicated. The T Plus company intends to take advantage of the experience in implementing automated control systems in other cities where it has a presence, in particular, it is already being studied in Perm.



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