Sat. Oct 19th, 2024

The series “Magic Lot” from the online cinema Okko has an unusual world. The events take place in the present day, but the characters include Baba Yaga and the Serpent Gorynych, and they fight with fabulous things like a treasure sword. Many heroes and most artifacts come from Slavic folklore. What is your story?

Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga is often considered a villain, but this is not the case. In fairy tales, the old woman helped the hero more than once; for example, she gave him a lively horse or gave him wise advice. That’s why she rewarded a good attitude towards herself or pursuing personal goals. If it is beneficial for Yaga to oppose Koshchei and other darkness, he will do so willingly. If it’s better to stay on the dark side, so be it.

In The Magic Lot, Baba Yaga is similarly ambiguous. She does dark things and befriends villains, but sometimes she helps the heroes. Already in the second episode it becomes clear: without the witch, Moscow would burn with a blue flame.

Baba Yaga often changes her appearance.

Photo: Okko


But Koschey is clearly evil. In fairy tales, he is cunning, power-hungry and strong; It is not surprising that even the greatest heroes could not stand up to him. By the way, Baba Yaga knows the secret of defeating Koshchei: it was she who told Ivan Tsarevich about the egg in the duck, the duck in the hare, etc.

In the series, Koschey is the main villain. In the past he united the fairy tale villains and almost took over the world, but finally lost. Now Koschey has gained strength and dreams of revenge. He acts carefully: he gathers followers, investigates the heroes’ weaknesses, searches for weapons; Overall, he’s just as annoying as Voldemort.

Koschey remains a mystery

Photo: Okko


In fairy tales, a three-headed, fire-breathing snake constantly tormented good citizens: he burned villages, seized power and joined Koshchei. In the series, the defeated Serpent was imprisoned in a human body and sent to prison. There, split personalities (a manic arsonist, an emotional girl, and a boy) argue with each other and read a book about Billy Milligan. But is it possible to keep such a strong man forever? Of course not.

Gorynych is a complete psychopath

Photo: Okko


In myths, elves are the owners of the forest who do not harm anyone on purpose. If a person behaves well, he will receive help. If it’s bad, let him get into trouble.

In “The Magic Plot,” the elves demonstrate that fairy tale creatures cannot be treated with prejudice. They cause a lot of inconvenience, but all for the purpose of opening a legal business and giving their family members a roof over their heads.


Photo: Okko

foul-mouthed gnome

In folklore, gnomes would take up residence in the homes of careless people and drive them crazy with bad words or become comrades. In our case, the gnome first bothers the hero, and then helps him with advice. The little blasphemer is played by comedian Ilya Sobolev. It’s no surprise that this character is the main source of jokes.

Foul-mouthed gnome played by Ilya Sobolev

Photo: Okko

walking boots

One of the most popular things not only in Slavic fairy tales. Boots were seen in “Little Flour”, “Tom Thumb”, “Cinderella” and many other places. They work like this: kick your heels a couple of times and build up incredible speed. Nothing has changed in the series: the boots turn the heroes into excellent runners who, in the blink of an eye, carry the poor people out of a burning room.

Boots turn into Flash

Photo: Okko

invisible hat

This thing is so legendary that even Dunno used it. You put on a hat and walk with impunity even in forbidden places. Unfortunately, in the series the bad guys use it to commit crimes: they rob banks and unexpectedly attack the heroes.

Scoundrels with hats

Photo: Okko

treasure sword

Common weapons do not harm magical creatures, so heroes use special equipment. What to bring to a fight with Gorynych? Of course, the legendary treasure sword. However, in fairy tales this weapon never fails: this was demonstrated by Ivan Tsarevich, Ilya Muromets and Oleg the Prophet.

With a treasure sword over Gorynych

Photo: Okko

Self-dancing gusli

In fairy tales, they contained incredible power. Do you need to call allies? No problem. Split the sea? Easily. In The Magic Lot, the instrument only has one basic ability: it makes people dance. This is enough to give rise to a couple of curious situations.

They shouldn’t have played the harp.

Photo: Okko

Rejuvenating apples

A whole fairy tale is dedicated to these fruits. In it, the old man sent the children to look for miracle apples and promised them a house with a piece of land as a reward. Not so much for the opportunity to recapture your youth!

In the series, apples work the same way, but not all characters are happy with it. In the first episode, the head of the magical site accidentally bites an apple and turns into a boy. He continues like this almost until the credits.

A minute ago he was a healthy, bald boss.

Photo: Okko

Sleeping Beauty Crown

Some artifacts are best left intact. How much is Sleeping Beauty’s crown worth? If you use it, you will sleep until the prince kisses you. The hero of the series didn’t know and told the boy about it. Believe me, it is better for you not to know who the prince will turn out to be and how the problem will be resolved!

I put it on and fell fast asleep.

Photo: Okko

So far, only two episodes of “The Magic Lot” have been released on the Okko online cinema, but there are already many folklore heroes and artifacts. What do you think she will appear in the upcoming episodes?

Watch the series “The Magic Plot” only on Okko with a 30-day subscription for 1 ruble!

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