Sat. Oct 19th, 2024

Nadiya Imametdinova, head of human resources at Sovcombank

Photo: Oksana ZUYKO

In the modern world, women have long been equal to men: they run large companies, fly into space, do charity work and, of course, remain caring mothers and guardians of the family hearth.

The main success of a woman is to skillfully combine all these areas, find balance and know that there is always a reliable shoulder nearby. In addition, it is important that support is provided not only in personal matters, but also in work matters. And this is a challenge that forward-thinking employers are responding to and understand that success depends directly on their staff.

Russian companies are increasingly taking a course towards social responsibility.

Nadiya Imametdinova, head of human resources at PJSC Sovcombank, talked about how the ideas of female leadership are supported today, what social support measures are offered and what projects allow the fair half to combine work and family. She became a guest of the program “Women’s Time” on Radio “Komsomolskaya Pravda”.

It happens that many companies try to maintain gender balance; For example, 68% of women work at Sovcombank. And among senior management they represent 38%.

Historically, the banking environment was initially purely male. More than a century passed before women could prove that they are no worse at managing numbers, looking to the future and increasing capital. But for 31% of female bank employees, family remains a priority. A third cannot believe in themselves, citing stereotypes, and only 5% are ready to move on (three thousand Sovcombank employees took part in the survey – Ed.).

Focus on personal growth

This same five percent became the starting point for a series of support and adaptation programs. For example, in 2022, the bank launched the “I am a woman, I can” leadership program. Here success stories are analyzed, life hacks and advice are shared (from appearance to education) and the bank’s management answers the most pressing questions. Furthermore, they are not only asked by women, but also by men.

Of course, the project is social, but it also has a financial component. Creating a gender-neutral environment allows you to develop healthy competition in the team, avoid conflict situations, and reduce staff turnover.

Real help with abuse and family problem solving.

Another beneficial area of ​​social support that brings tangible results is corporate psychologists. On the one hand, it may seem like a waste of money, but on the other hand, such support makes it possible to stabilize the microclimate in the team and solve many problems of employees, not only work, but also family. And the absence of difficulties at home allows you to focus on your career and improve your work results.

– Handle different topics. If we talk about professionals, it is exhaustion, the eternal struggle to know how to manage everything, anxiety. There are many personal problems related to the family and the child. They even highlighted very important issues that are not normally discussed. For example, the problem of abuse that our employees face in different cities. With family abuse, of course,” shares the expert.

It is not customary to talk openly about this topic, but women can seek help confidentially. For some, working with a psychologist is enough, but there are also examples when employees were transferred to other cities and helped with relocation and housing.

– We do not give up, this is not just a psychological session, to talk and talk. This is specific help that our employees simply need at some point, when they probably have no one to expect help from,” says Nadiya.

The program is truly unique; Few business representatives are willing to provide that help.

Financing IVF and paying for daycare

Help is provided not only to those who find themselves in a difficult situation, but also to those who decide to become a mother. Especially having a second and third child. This contributes to the increase in the birth rate, because it is often social guarantees that prevent a woman from deciding to become a mother.

Today, one in three bank employees is on maternity leave, which gives rise to jokes: “We are raising future staff from the cradle.”

By the way, the bank is ready to support not only mothers, but also fathers who are ready to go on maternity leave to care for a child.

– We even have 16 men who are currently on paternity leave. And this is also your right, please, we also support it. We encourage the birth of a third child, the subsequent one, the adoption of children, including, and we ourselves make double payments,” says Nadiya.

As part of its support for motherhood, the bank has long financed IVF procedures for those who need it. Employees can request a loan for an operation at 1% per year. In addition, the same social loan is available for the bank’s clients.

Mothers on maternity leave can always earn extra money from home in call centers, allowing them to pay for a babysitter if they wish, and if the mother decides to return to work ahead of schedule, the bank takes part of the responsibility. of daycare expenses. including private ones.

This integrated approach makes it possible to increase the birth rate within a particular organization and, of course, many measures could bring good results even at the state level.

A four-day training improves work results

Another form of support for employees is an additional day off that the bank offers through the new work format. For two years, an experiment has been carried out within the organization: a four-day work week. We didn’t come to this format immediately (remote work and the pandemic helped), but little by little our own format emerged: working from a coworking space. Representatives of different departments gather on the site, which allows you not only to change the image, but also to find new friends, “show, look at others.” In this format, it is possible to develop a plan not in 5, but in 4 business days.

Surprisingly, working in this format produces tangible financial results. 70% of employees fully comply with the plans, and 20% even exceed them. And those who failed are only 4%. Consistently high results predetermined the opening of another coworking space with a “shortened” position, it will be in Altai.

Five tips for effective staff work

Human Resources Director Nadiya Imametdinova gave five tips for companies to curb employee turnover.

• First: treat the HR budget not as an expense, but as an investment. This will allow you to attract qualified employees.

• Second: create an open environment where employees can talk about their problems and difficulties.

• Third: invest in a social package and monitor how employees use it.

It is important that all employee preferences are not for display, but for demand. Then employees will feel the employer’s attention.

• Fourth: measure effectiveness. We are a company, so it is very important that efficiency does not drop. For a company to develop actively, it must increase employee motivation.

• Fifth: think about employees, value them. Only this will help attract competent personnel. The time for the employer to choose the candidate is over. Nowadays, it is the applicants who set the tone, choosing whether or not to go to this or that company. This means that companies have to compete for valuable personnel and offer the most comfortable and interesting working conditions.



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