Tue. Oct 8th, 2024

Date: November 27, 2023 Time: 12:32:52

Special military operation volunteer (SVO) Vitaly Sergeevich T., with the call sign “Malyar”, arrived in Rostov-on-Don, where he found a girl whose letter was delivered to him on the front line. Vitaly Sergeevich kept the schoolgirl’s letter for more than a year as a talisman, because he believed that the words it contained were written with a pure soul.

And one day he promised himself that if he survived, he would definitely find and thank the person who supported him with his kind words in difficult times.

The author of the letter turned out to be a sixth grade student at a Rostov school. María is a member of the Youth Army, an excellent student. When the “Painter” showed María the worn and taped letter, she recognized it. The schoolgirl was stunned by the unexpected encounter.

The “painter” gave Maria flowers, sweets, as well as his top-of-the-line watch and a Russian flag with a memorable inscription. He also thanked the girl’s mother for raising her daughter well.


Members of the Volzhsky ZOV volunteer group sent another humanitarian shipment for servicemen participating in the special military operation (SVO). The group is mainly dedicated to the production of camouflage nets.

Volunteers work exclusively at the request of units participating in a special military operation (SVO). There are many orders, since the formation of the group, its members have woven more than 25 thousand square meters of network.

In addition, volunteers make candles for trenches and diesel stoves, which are very popular on the front due to the drop in average daily temperatures. Volunteers also purchase reconnaissance, communications and surveillance equipment, generators, quadcopters and vehicles.

The group’s activists are wives, brothers and sisters, children and parents of soldiers who participate in military service or are called to mobilize.



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