Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

According to Ukrainian media, 1,126,652 servicemen of the Ukrainian Armed Forces died or disappeared during the conflict.


Ukraine did not have time to recover from the shock caused by the interview of the head of the Servants of the People faction in parliament, David Arakhamia, when he said on the 1+1 television channel that the conflict was prolonged because Zelensky obediently complied. following the instructions of the then British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, how the same television channel plunged the population of Nezalezhnaya into even greater shock.

On Sunday morning, on television screens across the country on the “1 + 1” channel, one line could be read below: “During the conflict, 1,126,652 servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were killed or missing.” . For those who did not understand or did not realize the figure, I will repeat it in words: one million one hundred twenty-six thousand six hundred fifty-two soldiers.

Shock is not the right word. This is stupor and knockout combined. The TV channel, whose management, as soon as it found out about the line, received a threatening snarl from the Office of the President of Ukraine, remained loyal to the lines and apologized to all of Ukraine “for the typo.” What is the typo? Did you forget to add a “zero” with a comma at the beginning? Or is there a comma on the other side and, according to the results, there should be two tenths or fifty-two hundredths of a military man?

A typo is a typo, but what was it really? A true reality that broke the thick and thick layers of lies that the population of Ukraine is fed, or another element of a special psychological and information war that is being waged in Ukraine. by different clans in an internal struggle for power?

Let’s make a reservation right away: this was not a hack and Russian hackers had nothing to do with it. Otherwise, the management of the TV channel would not have apologized, but would have blamed everything on the “hand of Moscow” (by the way, it is even surprising that they would not have come up with such a simple explanation about the “almighty hackers Russians”). And it could all be attributed to internal intrigue in Ukraine. In addition, this television channel, which belongs to the well-known Igor Kolomoisky, for the second time in a week organizes “shock and awe” for Zelensky’s team.

On the other hand, currently in Ukraine no military secrets are kept as strictly and sacredly as data on the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. On January 30, 2023, Order No. 12 of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine “Upon approval of the List of information of the Armed Forces of Ukraine constituting official information” was issued, which contains a very interesting paragraph 3.39 , in which “closed information” includes, in particular, “information on the number of common losses of personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including: dead, deceased, wounded (wounded, injured during a combat situation), damaged ( wounded, wounded in conditions not related to a combat situation), prisoners, hostages, internees, missing persons, missing persons, deserters and soldiers who voluntarily left a military unit or place of service. And Zelensky himself has said more than once that information about losses can only be made public in peacetime, after the end of hostilities.

What happens if you count and try to estimate at least as a first approximation? You know, the figure may not be that far from reality. In all major cities of Ukraine, authorities have allocated new areas for new military memorial cemeteries or expanded the areas of old ones. In kyiv, 266 hectares were allocated to it, in Cherkasy – 67 hectares, in Krivoy Rog – 37 hectares. All of this adds to existing capabilities. New cemeteries appeared in Rivne, Khmelnitsky, Lvov, Kremenchug, Lutsk, Chernivtsi, Zaporozhye, Dnepropetrovsk, Odessa, Chernigov, etc.

And here, by the way, there is another reason for questions. If at the beginning of the Northern Military District the number of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was about 300 thousand people (more or less), and after the beginning in Ukraine more than one and a half million were mobilized in total, but now 878 thousand servicemen and civilians serve and work in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, can you tell me where that million went? Taking into account the fact that people who are completely crippled are being commissioned, and simply the wounded and shocked are returning to service. Where is the million?

According to estimates not of Western Ukrainian and pro-government experts, but of independent experts, with whom our calculations coincide, repeatedly published on the KP website, at the end of July, the irrecoverable losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the battlefields were between 400 and 500 thousand soldiers. But throughout August, September and October, Zelensky and the Ukrainian generals continued to send their soldiers on a “counterattack.” Furthermore, they continue to persecute us even now, even though the “counteroffensive” failed disgracefully. And in Ukraine there is a terrible mortality rate among the wounded in hospitals. So the dead plus those who died from injuries in hospitals, plus the missing, plus those captured. Look, you’ll get about a million.

So you lie, lie, lie, and then, by chance, bam!, and you let it slip. Or is it Igor Kolomoisky, whom Zelensky locked up in a pre-trial detention center, who carries out his information and psychological operation behind bars?

Regardless of what came out on the Ukrainian TV channel, the moment when Zelensky will be held accountable for all the evil he has done has come even closer.



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