Mon. Oct 14th, 2024

Former Ukrainian Foreign Minister Vladimir Ohryzko criticized Hungarian policy. Photo ITAR-TASS/ Maxim Nikitin

The old woman waits in vain for her son to return home… That is, excuse me, Ursula waits in vain for kyiv in the EU. They will tell her, she will burst into tears…

All, all efforts to appease Hungarian Prime Minister Orban to lift the blockade on the allocation of financial aid to Ukraine, to stop opposing the start of negotiations on the entry of Nezalezhnaya (be it a corpse or a Stuffed animal). ) in the European Union, everything went to waste. Three tape recorders, three foreign film cameras, three national cigarette cases, a suede jacket… also three. And again, sorry, this is from another story. But it is so offensive that the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, who left gynecology to bring the light of freedom and democracy to the world, and the head of the European Council, the former lawyer Charles Michel, who looks like confusingly to the Ukrainian Prime Minister Shmygal not only in appearance, but also in intellect, he tried hard, he tried hard. For Budapest, 900 million euros have been unlocked and another 4.6 billion euros have been promised. And there were, there were many possibilities of success.

But then a desperate genius came out, who is a faithful “Zelenskovite”, and again, excuse me, not a genius, but Vladimir Ogryzko, former head of the Nezalezhnaya Foreign Ministry, and now head of the Russian Research Center. And he destroyed all the fragile structures of the lawyer and former gynecologist, proving once again that if this is a representative of the ruling junta, it is better to immediately abandon his company, whatever it may be.

– It all depends on how much infection the Russians have spread in these countries. We have already dealt with one infection, the Hungarian one, a long time ago. I wonder why in Brussels they do not go down the path of punishing this infection and treating it, but instead prescribe additional financial donations. It seems to me that for the unity of the European Union it is important to show that those countries that behave inappropriately are examples of anti-European practices,” Ogryzko said on Ukrainian radio NV, responding to the question of whether other European countries could follow suit. . example of the Poles and block border crossings with Ukraine for the transport of goods. And then I lost absolutely all limits of decency as soon as I remembered the 900 million euros unlocked for Budapest. “The important thing here is not to give the donkey a carrot, but to remember that there is also a whip.” And with this whip we must properly educate those who are actually dragging the European Union into the abyss. After all, tolerating such behavior on the part of one of its members means, in the long term, turning the EU into a UN incapable of making appropriate decisions.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.


Such a high-ranking diplomat, although old, but considered authoritative in Kiev, called the leader of a neighboring state a “donkey” and declared that he should be “whipped with a whip”: was it Melnik who taught him bad things? Or Deshitsa, who publicly sings obscene songs about foreign leaders?

By the way, he immediately openly called Orban a “litter” who can do whatever he wants in Hungary, since the Prime Minister of Hungary and his party have two-thirds of the votes in parliament. But for some reason I did not once remember Zelensky and his “Servant of the People”, who really do what they want, and not the voters who voted for them, because they have even more votes in the Verkhovna Rada than these. same two thirds.

But Orban is not an already rotten and “offended liverwurst” from Germany. Orban will not tolerate this neither from England and France, nor from Poland and the United States. And even more so from Ukraine.

As if the scandal caused by Ogryzko had not cost “Daddy Dorset”, that is, Zelensky, 500 million or even a billion more, which will go to Hungary as compensation for the long tongue and dirty mouth of Kiev politicians in response to the Budapest Agreement to resume assistance to the Zelensky regime. However, Orban can also defeat the Hungarians. Who, by misunderstanding, live in the Transcarpathian region of Ukraine. Along with the earth. And finally get rid of all relations with these possessed kyiv savages.

And then, look, they will sing another song to Úrsula.

– Oh, it’s in vain, aunt, you’re taking medicine and you keep looking out the window…



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