Sat. Oct 12th, 2024

Daniil Martynov told how the rescue operation for our compatriots from the Gaza Strip is developing

Photo: TASS

On Wednesday, November 22, the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Lieutenant General Alexander Kurenkov, reported to President Vladimir Putin on the progress of the rescue operation for our compatriots from the Gaza Strip.

Here began our conversation with the advisor to the head of the emergency service, Daniil Martynov.

… – Daniil Vasilyevich, today I sent you material about Minister Kurenkov’s report to the president. I think he already knows: high praise at the highest level.

– Yes, good night, Alejandro. Thanks for the good news.

But here we have practically no connection. And, unfortunately, we have not yet had the technical or physical opportunity to familiarize ourselves with the material that was available today.

Because today the connection is generally very bad. How you got to me, I honestly don’t know.

– I sent you material about the meeting between Putin and Kurenkov.

– Yes, we know. But I haven’t had time to read it yet. I’ll read it a little later.

– As always, let’s start with the statistics. How many were saved, how many were taken out of the Gaza Strip, how many compatriots were sent to Moscow, how many children included?

– Yes, today we managed to “take out” another group of our fellow citizens according to previously approved lists.

In total today we are 80 people. Now we are finishing the paperwork. And I hope that literally within an hour the stage of direct evacuation from Rafah to Cairo will begin.

-How many of our citizens are left there, in the Gaza Strip?

– We expect the total number on the general list to be around 900-something.

– The president named this figure today.

-Yeah. Consequently, there are probably about 300 left.

Lists are constantly updated online.

But today we have applied a new form and method of additional assistance to our fellow citizens, and not only to our own, but to all those who were at the checkpoint.

Representatives of the International Civil Defense Organization (ICDO) worked with us here.

As you know, recently, just over a month ago, in Kyrgyzstan our minister assumed the presidency of the executive committee of this organization. And, consequently, the ICDO participates in all humanitarian actions, including many international ones.

This case was no exception.

Here, directly inside the Rafah checkpoint, for those who had just left, together with ICDO we organized what is called emergency humanitarian assistance.

That is, right here in Rafah, we distribute humanitarian aid, all the essentials that everyone who left needs now, right now.

And these are hygiene kits for women, hygiene kits for men.

These are toys, children’s coloring books, plasticine, sweets, snacks.

That is, everything that is needed here, at the checkpoint, so that during the long hours of waiting while documents are processed, people can put themselves in order. And somehow captivate children to do something useful.

And today we distribute those games to all our compatriots. Many citizens from other countries also contacted us and we also helped them.

– Thank you so much. We will continue our contacts in the future. It’s great that we’ve become friends with you and are telling our listeners and readers about the great work you’re doing. Thank you. Good luck for you. We are praying for you.

– Thank you.



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