Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Head of the Department of Abdominal Oncology and Coloproctology, University Clinic of Moscow State University

“A proctologist is not a specialist to whom patients go voluntarily. They are at the mercy of myths, fears and misconceptions, so they imagine a proctological examination differently than how it actually happens. I will answer the most uncomfortable questions about an appointment with such a specialist.”

Even if there are obvious problems, many patients try to postpone the visit in the hope that the unpleasant symptoms will disappear or weaken. However, in most cases, the situation only worsens and a visit to the proctologist becomes inevitable.

It would hurt me?

The pain experienced by the patient during the examination is reduced to almost zero. An experienced specialist performs a digital rectal examination carefully and gently, without using any scary instruments. The most he can use are small, compact rectal speculae.

Unpleasant sensations are more caused by psychological discomfort. It is more difficult to examine a tense person than someone who is relaxed and trusts the doctor.


If really intense pain occurs, it is not necessary to endure it; The patient must inform the doctor. If necessary, use local anesthesia.

What will the doctor think of me?

A proctologist will surely not be surprised when a patient comes to him with proctological problems. There is no need to be afraid to go to a specialist with “delicate” symptoms: blood when defecating, pain, strange lumps “there” and other manifestations that did not bother you before. On the contrary, if they appear it is necessary to contact a specialist as soon as possible.

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The proctologist has received advanced education and training for many years specifically to learn how to deal with these problems. She will not identify the symptoms that appear in the patient with her personality, lifestyle, habits. The doctor’s job is to help the patient, not evaluate him.

Will I have to undress?

Yes, you will have to undress: remove all clothing below the waist. To make the examination more comfortable, patients can be given special disposable underwear with slits in the right places; This will at least partially eliminate tightness and tension.


Maybe it is better to treat yourself with home remedies?

Until now, official medicine does not know of any effective folk methods for treating proctological problems, in particular hemorrhoids, cancer and fistulas. I assure you that if such methods existed, we would definitely use them in our medical practice.

Neither potato suppositories nor any homemade compositions help, and therefore there is no need to waste time on such “therapy”.

Due to the use of traditional methods, patients simply waste time, their problem does not disappear, it only worsens: complications develop, which are more difficult, longer and more expensive to treat.

Will my hemorrhoids turn into cancer?

Hemorrhoids can significantly reduce quality of life. This is an unpleasant disease but not fatal. It never turns into cancer. But this does not mean that the signs of the disease should be ignored and tolerated: today medicine has learned to cope with this problem, returning comfort to patients.

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A coloproctologist named 10 possible causes of pain in the rectum.

It is important to remember that many unpleasant symptoms (pain, appearance of blood, itching) are characteristic not only of hemorrhoids, but also of other proctological problems, that is, a more serious disease can imitate them. This means that its appearance is a reason to consult a doctor, who will help you find out the cause of the discomfort.

Why go to a proctologist if it doesn’t hurt at all?

People don’t want to go to a proctologist even if they have obvious problems, and many don’t even want to hear about a preventive examination. However, after 45 years, anyone, even in the complete absence of symptoms, should go to this specialist and/or undergo a colonoscopy. This study is the “gold” standard for diagnostic tests of the intestine.


If no dangerous findings are found and there is no oncological history in the subject’s family history, the colonoscopy will only need to be repeated after five years. If the doctor discovers something suspicious, he will set a “schedule” for the next tests.

Colonoscopy, which today is performed in most cases under sedation (medicated sleep), is a comfortable and virtually risk-free procedure, the benefits of which significantly outweigh the possible health risks. That is why it should not be neglected, nor should a visit to the proctologist be rejected due to misconceptions and unconfirmed fears.

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