Wed. Sep 25th, 2024


The movie of the new Latin American superhero ‘Blue Beetle‘ was released on August 18, and apparently has remained in the balance between criticism and praise“neither good, nor bad”, have confirmed the moviegoing users who have already seen it through the networks, and now the director of this, has revealed some statements of what happened with the post credits scene of the film, minutes that many criticized for not having understood.

“Obviously, we know what we’re trying to do, but I want you guys to figure it out.” discussto conspire and theorist, and post on social networks what you think will happen: where is he, what words does Kord have for his daughter and what can happen next with Jaime Reyes, since coincidentally, Ted appears once the beetle is activated, what happens there ? We don’t know, I know, but you don’t,” explained the director. Angel Manuel Soto.

Every good superhero movie is not worthy of being one if it does not have a post-credits scene, and at the moment the first credits end, what appears to be the secret of Ted Kordthe father of Jenny who is a genius of technology, and that is where it is revealed that he has in his possession various costumeswhich are a clear reference to the comic book versions of this character, but also reveal a event very important for the sequels, Ted Kord did not pass away and he has a new message to say to his daughter.

Thanks to Ángel’s explanation, we can deduce that what will happen in a possible sequelcould be influenced by the fans, by the theories and speculations that the users comment through the forums and social networks, since this has not wanted to cause spoilers of the following installments with their statements.


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