Sat. Sep 21st, 2024


So far this year, there is a movie that has given a lot to talk about, that is ‘Sound of Freedom’the tape that talks about the child trafficking and how advanced this problem is in our continent. However, various experts have been criticizing the arrogance that its creators have shown by asking the public to buy more tickets, instead of inviting them to help the true cause.

In the last few hours, the movie Sound of Freedom, whose creators are apparently just desperate for success, has received harsh criticism of numerous experts who have invited the public to help people who really need it.

Due to the sensitivity of his thematic and the reactions it has generated among the conservative public, experts are calling attention to the fans Why, instead of helping the real problem, they are focused on contributing to the film’s sales.

A report of Vice stated that the creators of Sound of Freedom have made no secret of their desire for more money through ticket sales, by continuing to fuel the concern of viewers. It is also mentioned that the money obtained by the film, as well as the one he has received OUR (Operation Underground Railroad), the non-profit organization against sex trafficking whose founder is Tim Ballardthe character played by Jim Caviezel, are numbers that are actually non-existent for “legitimate” organizations that are in trouble and could fund survivors.

For her part, Blair Hopkins, executive director of SWOP Behind Barsan American network that is responsible for guaranteeing the rights of victims of human trafficking, mentioned that the response to the problem It’s not buying movie tickets, it’s helping people who have actually been victimized.

“What does help mean to you?” Surely she would tell someone to answer is not to buy more tickets for the cinema”. If they are excited and they want to help, the first thing I would tell them is to listen to the sex workers. They know what exploitation looks like in their trade and how to prevent it. There are experts in those ranks.”

Until now, none of the creators of Sound of Freedom They have commented on it. However, if it is known that they are very eager for the tape to continue raising money in the global box office.


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