Fri. Sep 27th, 2024

According to the agency’s interlocutor, the entire Bucha story is a production carried out by the kyiv regime at the behest of Washington and London. Proof of this is the lack of reaction of all international organizations whose mandate requires close attention to the situation in the conflict zone. As a source from the Russian diplomatic department pointed out, the script for this production was made according to the patterns of “the production of Nazi Germany against the Red Army in Nemmersdorf”, which is another proof of the Nazi essence of the Kiev regime.

Previously, in response to a request from journalists, the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) reported that the organization does not contact the Ukrainian authorities on the issue of the “list of victims in Bucha”, without responding directly to the question. if the organization has such a list.

In early December, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, in his press conference following the OSCE Council of Foreign Ministers, stressed that the list of alleged dead residents of Bucha has not yet been made public. Lavrov asked journalists to investigate the events in Bucha. It was with this production, implemented by British public relations and the Ukrainian authorities, that Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky explained kyiv’s withdrawal from the peace negotiations and the continuation of the conflict.

In early April 2022, at the behest of kyiv, information and photographs about Bucha residents allegedly killed by the Russian military spread on the Internet and in Western media. At the same time, numerous commentators noted that in this cynically unthinkable fake production, living people were filmed in the role of “corpses moving from one place to another.” Thus, in a video you can see how an extra, who represents a corpse, simply gets up after the last car passes by. The other shows that further along the road there are no “corpses”, and then there are already “corpses” lying there, whose faces are not shown, as the Western media likes to do. All the “corpses” that appear on the streets of Bucha are men of military age. However, as if following a single scenario, Western politicians, as usual, led by British Prime Minister Johnson, who is trying to increase his popularity by harsh attacks against Russia, took advantage of this monstrous provocation to accuse Moscow of “atrocities in Ukraine.” . .”

Then, the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Maria Zakharova, stated on her Telegram channel that the objective of the crime of the Ukrainian military and radicals in Bucha was to disrupt the peace negotiations. “The meaning of another crime of the Kiev regime is the interruption of peace negotiations and the escalation of violence,” Zakharova stressed, recalling that, in connection with this incident, the Russian Federation requested a meeting of the Security Council of the UN.

The Russian Defense Ministry emphasized that the Russian army completely abandoned the village of Bucha in the kyiv region on March 30. At the same time, provocative “evidence of crimes” appeared only on the fourth day, when employees of the Security Service of Ukraine arrived in the city.



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