Police are more aggressive in suppressing anti-Israel protests at various US universities. About 400 more people were arrested from last Wednesday night to Thursday morning. There have been allegations of police brutality in arresting protesters. There has also been an incident of ‘accidental’ police firing at Columbia University. However, no one was injured in the incident, police said.
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On April 17, the students of Columbia University in New York started the first protest to demand the end of the Israeli attack on Gaza and to break the relationship with Israel and its related institutions. Protests then spread to universities and colleges across the United States. Not since the anti-war protests during the Vietnam War in the 1960s have such protests been seen on American universities. Police have arrested more than 2,200 protesters since April 18.
According to a statistic from the AP news agency, as of last Thursday, police have conducted at least 50 operations to remove protesters from the campuses of 40 universities or colleges in the United States. In these cases, there have been police clashes and arrests with protesters.
In the United States, protests have spread to universities in other countries. Meanwhile, protests have started in several countries including Canada, France, United Kingdom, Australia, India, demanding an end to the Gaza war.
UCLA Reckless Police
Last Thursday morning, the police raided the University of California (UCLA) in Los Angeles. At that time, the police asked the protesters to leave the campus, but they refused. Los Angeles police said at least 210 people were arrested.
Police on Thursday broke up tents of pro-Palestinian protesters at several colleges and universities, including the University of California. A police raid on the UCLA campus caused widespread chaos. Armed police forces use non-lethal grenades to disperse protesters. At that time, the protesters tried unsuccessfully to resist the policemen.
At that time, one of the protestors of UCLA said to the policemen, “I am a student.” Please don’t fail us. Don’t fail us.’
READ MORE : 300 manifestantes pró-Palestina presos em New York
While the student was speaking, he was being taken away by the police. He was held by two members of the police. At one stage, the student named Ryan returned to the campus after being released. He said, no one can stop him from this fight.
UCLA officials said online classes were held Thursday and Friday due to an emergency situation on campus.
Protests in other universities
Police arrested more than 90 protesters at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire on Thursday. Dozens of protesters were arrested at the University of New Hampshire and the University at Buffalo. Police blocked scores of protesting students from entering the library at the University of Portland in Oregon. It is not known how many people have been arrested from there.
A teacher was fatally injured during a protest on the Washington University campus in St. Louis, Missouri. Victim teacher Steve Tamari is a professor of history at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. He is an expert on the Middle East.
READ MORE : A polícia atacou com ameaças, os estudantes foram amarrados com as costas enroladas
A video shows Professor Steve Tamari falling to the ground during the arrest and a member of the police kneeling him. Later he was handcuffed with both hands behind his back.
The Middle East Research and Information Project (MERIP), an academic publication in the incident, said in a statement, “What has been done to Steve is extreme violence.” We condemn the brutality of the police and the behavior of the authorities of the universities.
Israel has called the student protests anti-Semitism. However, Israel’s critics say that the country’s accusations are aimed at silencing the opposition.
Finally, Biden opened his mouth
According to news agency AFP, US President Joe Biden called on pro-Palestinian protesters on campuses of various US universities to maintain the rule of law. In a televised statement from the White House on Thursday, Biden said that order must be maintained on campuses.