Sat. Oct 5th, 2024


In recent times, large film companies such as Netflix They have been facing harsh criticism from their viewers, because the new adaptations that are being released are not connected to the original story, which is why they are currently looking for New strategies to avoid these types of errors.

Currently, this film franchise is preparing for the release of the live action of One Piecea fantasy and pirate story with hundreds of manga and more than 1000 chapters in his anime, being close to having an adaptation that worries some, since sometimes it reminds them of what happened with Henry Cavill in “The Witcher”.

With this great story, Netflix wanted to make its own adaptation a little different from the books, this in order to make “The Witcher” something more rentable y acceptable for all public; However, they were met with harsh criticism that has made even Henry Cavill himself give up the role of Geraldmaking the future of this franchise somewhat uncertain.

Faced with this problem, Netflix has learned something, and it is to keep the adaptation as original as possible to his books, that is why the live action of Luffy y his friends was supervised by himself Eiichiro Odawho is happy in this project and asks for patience for the small changes they have made, since there are things of the manga that don’t entirely fit into a true version of the story.

In the same way, Matt Owenscreator of this project, on past occasions has mentioned that his intention with One Piece was to try to make it reach as far away as possible; However, after the fall of “The Witcher”, he decided to take action and do things the verbatim to be able to please the millions of loyal fans around the world.


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