Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

The governor of Minas Gerais, Romeu Zema (Novo), justified his support for Jair Bolsonaro (PL) in the second round of 2022 “much more” because he saw what the PT government did to the State and the Country than ” for agreeing” with all of the former president’s proposals. The statement took place this Monday, 25th, during the “Lunch-Debate” event, promoted by Grupo Lide, whose founder, the former governor of São Paulo, João Doria, was also present.

“I’m from a different party than him. During the pandemic, I had a completely different position from his. So much so that Minas Gerais was the state, excluding the North and Northeast, with the lowest mortality rate in Brazil. There’s a very clear example”, said the governor when questioned byEstadãowhich Bolsonaro proposals he disagrees with.

“In Minas Gerais, although we have 320 thousand public employees, I don’t have any relatives. So, we also have a difference there. Family there, business and careers here. There are some differences. But I’m much closer to him than with those who governed Minas before”, concluded Zema. Before him, Minas was governed by Fernando Pimentel (PT).

The statements outlining differences with Bolsonaro come less than a month after the governor of Minas Gerais decorated the former president with the title of honorary citizen of Minas Gerais, on August 28. During the ceremony at the headquarters of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Minas Gerais (ALMG), supporters of the former president even asked Zema to leave Novo and join PL, the party of the former chief executive. At the time, he continued his speech and did not react.

At the Lide event this Monday, the governor of Minas Gerais once again defended the union of the right for the elections, both municipal in 2024 and presidential in 2026. He also repeated that he would prefer to support a right-wing candidate rather than run as a candidate himself. to the Presidency.

Zema had already asked that right-wing parties work together in the elections during CPAC 2023 (Conservative Political Action Conference), an event held in Belo Horizonte last Saturday, 21st.

At the time, his speech was interrupted by a worker at Copasa, a state-owned water and sanitation company in Minas Gerais, who said she had been fired for not taking the Covid-19 vaccine.

After the episode, Fabio Wajngarten, advisor to former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL), used the social network

“Pr (President of the Republic) Jair Bolsonaro has been persecuted since January 23. There is no call on my cell phone, which is available 24/7, from anyone preaching unity, offering solidarity, suggestions, or anything. It’s all a game of political opportunism. They won’t pass!”, he said.

This Monday, Zema said that he was not aware of Wajngarten’s criticisms and that he would not delve into them further. “If I were to take criticism into consideration, I would already be in a cemetery,” she said.

Zema’s statements distance him from Jair Bolsonaro at a time when the former president is being investigated on several fronts, such as the cases of jewelry diverted from the Presidency of the Republic’s collection and the falsification of proof of vaccination, in addition to the plot to give himself a coup d’état in Brazil.

Relationship is marked by movements of approximation and distancing

Zema even asked for votes for Bolsonaro during the electoral debate in 2018, even though João Amoêdo was a presidential candidate for the Novo Party. In 2022, she supported Felipe D’Avila in the first round, but declared support for Bolsonaro in the second round against Lula (PT).

In an interview withEstadãoin August, the governor of Minas Gerais gave the Bolsonaro government a rating of 8, but said that the former president’s management failed in communication, which received a rating of 5. “He ran a good government”, he summarized.

The moment of greatest distance occurred during the pandemic. Unlike Bolsonaro, Zema took four doses of the vaccine against Covid-19 and encouraged the state’s population to get vaccinated.

Estadão Content

The post Zema says that support for Bolsonaro was against the PT and not because he agreed with him appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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