Sun. Sep 22nd, 2024


Minas Gerais governor Romeu Zema (Novo) had his speech interrupted this Saturday morning (23) when participating in CPAC Brasil 2023, the annual meeting of representatives of right-wing movements in the country, which has federal deputy Eduardo as one of its main representatives. Bolsonaro, son of former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL).

Zema spoke about the need for the right to unite in the country, immediately with an eye on next year’s municipal elections, when a woman who was attending the lecture complained about having been fired from the state-owned company Copasa (Companhia de Saneamento de Minas Gerais) for not have been vaccinated against Covid-19.

“I was sent away because I didn’t want to take the vaccine,” shouted the woman, from the audience. Zema ended the speech immediately. The master of ceremonies, however, approached him on stage as he left and asked him some questions to alleviate the atmosphere.

Zema is seen as one of the main names on the right to run for President in 2026, alongside the Bolsonaro governor, Tarcísio de Freitas (Republicans), of São Paulo. Bolsonaro was declared ineligible by the TSE and will not contest elections for at least eight years.

At the event, before being interrupted, Zema spoke about the importance of the right electing good candidates next year. “The right needs to work together. We cannot dissipate,” she said, before the woman’s demonstration, which was then booed and continued inside the auditorium.

Zema ended up being the main presence at the opening of CPAC 2023, this Saturday. Bolsonaro did not attend because, according to those organizing the event in Minas, he is recovering from the surgeries he underwent at the beginning of the week.

Eduardo Bolsonaro also did not attend because his son was born this Friday (22). The meeting also did not have a large number of spectators.

The Minascentro auditorium, which has a capacity for 1,600 people, had approximately half of the seats occupied.

The post Zema demands unity from the right and interrupts speech after protest by anti-vaccine woman appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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