Sun. Sep 29th, 2024

In yet another task force from the Department of Health (SES-DF), the Basic Health Unit (UBS) 12 of Ceilândia served 324 patients in the medical clinic area. Throughout the day, servers were available to assist children and adults. The action, carried out on Tuesday (19), included 10 professionals from the Regional Directorate of Primary Health Care (Diraps), the Coordination of Primary Health Care (Coaps), specialists in family health (ESF), doctors and nurses.

Supervisor of UBS 12 in Ceilândia, Wilsimar Souza Dias highlighted the importance of action with the community with the aim of speeding up care. “It is a more vulnerable region. We had a pent-up demand from patients on the waiting list and scheduled. The population needs this service and SES-DF seeks to offer the best service possible.”

In the task force, patients underwent screening, with blood pressure and blood glucose measurements, and were then referred to nurses to identify the problem. According to the family doctor and coordinator of Primary Care in the DF, Fabiana Fonseca, among the users’ main complaints were abdominal pain and flu-like symptoms, as well as chronic illnesses such as high blood pressure.

“I came with the Coaps team and we want to get closer to both the professionals who are at the forefront, providing assistance, and the population. This is very important, because we are able to evaluate situations that can be adjusted, bringing improvements to the unit”, explained the coordinator.


One of the changes already planned for October, according to the substitute director of Diraps Oeste, Aridan Fernandes de Almeida, is the arrival of another team to reinforce the services of UBS 12 in Ceilândia. This is the administrative region with the greatest demand for services from the Unified Health System (SUS). “The arrival of these professionals will help organize flows and provide assistance,” he said. The unit also presents high demands for inclusion in the regulation and assistance system for exchanging prescriptions, evaluation in a medical clinic and routine exams.

The resident of Ceilândia, Izabel de Deus Cesar, 65 years old, was one of the patients covered by the action and praised the initiative. “I was well received. The service here is very good, humanized, with polite professionals. I have an aneurysm and I’m very sick with fainting. I already left with the prescription and the medicines”, she reported.

Just like Izabel, wholesale assistant Antônio Carlos da Conceição, 45 years old, accompanied his wife and took the opportunity to also show his exams to the doctor. Hypertensive, he said he received a “call” from the professional for having interrupted treatment. “I went through the screening and the pressure wasn’t great. The doctor scolded me and told me to take the medicine every day. In addition, he gave me new tests to check cholesterol and diabetes. The service was great. I’m leaving with everything resolved and with a return date for another appointment”, he concluded.

*With information from Agência Brasília

The post UBS 12 in Ceilândia serves 324 patients with a task force in a medical clinic appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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