Sun. Sep 22nd, 2024

São Paulo, 22 – The Superior Electoral Court (TSE) formed a majority to reject the appeal of former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL) in the action that made him ineligible for abuse of political power and misuse of the media. Four ministers – the rapporteur and general electoral inspector, minister Benedito Gonçalves, the president of the Court, Alexandre de Moraes, Cármen Lúcia and André Ramos Tavares – registered votes against in the electronic system.

The TSE session opened yesterday, and will be available for voting until next Thursday. Until 8 pm yesterday, ministers Kassio Nunes Marques, Raul Araújo and Floriano de Azevedo Marques had not yet voted.

The appeal presented by Bolsonaro’s defense is a new move in an attempt to allow the former president to participate in elections after being convicted by the TSE. The type of appeal presented, called “motions for clarification”, does not have the power to change the merits of the decision, but it can cause ministers to recognize errors or contradictions in the judgment’s ruling.


In the document, Bolsonaro’s defense argues that the former president’s right to full defense was curtailed. In June 2023, by 5 votes to 2, the Electoral Court decided that Bolsonaro used his position to spread disinformation about the electronic voting system.

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The post TSE makes majority against Bolsonaro’s appeal appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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