Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The Superior Electoral Court (TSE) decided, this Tuesday (26), to exclude the Armed Forces from the group of entities monitoring the next elections. The military will also no longer participate in the election transparency commission. In 2021, the participation of the military was included in a resolution approved during the administration of the then president of the court, Edson Fachin.

The proposed change was made by the current president, Alexandre de Moraes. According to the minister, the participation of the Armed Forces in monitoring the 2022 elections proved to be “incompatible” with the legal duties of the military.

“This expansion of the Armed Forces in the list of supervisory entities did not prove to be compatible with their constitutional functions nor reasonable and efficient,” he stated.

According to Moraes, the Armed Forces will continue to assist the Electoral Court in transporting electronic ballot boxes and ensuring the security of voters and polling places.

In the same decision, the TSE also removed the Federal Supreme Court (STF) from the supervisory entities. For the court, three Supreme Court ministers are also part of the TSE and, in addition, the Court is the target of appeals against Electoral Court decisions.

During the government of President Jair Bolsonaro, who was a candidate for re-election, relations between the TSE and the Armed Forces were marked by several frictions. In one of the episodes, in a report sent to the electoral court, the Ministry of Defense stated that the military did not exclude the possibility of fraud in electronic voting machines.

The inspection group is made up of political parties and representatives of the Public Ministry, the National Congress, the General Comptroller of the Union (CGU), the Federal Police and the Federal Audit Court (TCU), among other entities. The information is from Agência Brasil.

The post TSE excludes Armed Forces from the election monitoring group appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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