Mon. Sep 30th, 2024

The act took place this Tuesday (19) during the launch of the Mixed Parliamentary Front in Defense of Charterers (FrenFret)

With more than 3 thousand jobs at risk due to persecution by the National Land Transport Agency (ANTT), tourism businesspeople demonstrated this Tuesday (19), in front of the National Congress. The sector wants to draw attention to the revocations and seizures that have occurred this year – more than 12 companies have been revoked since January and another 60 charter companies are threatened.

The act took place amid the launch of the Mixed Parliamentary Front in Defense of Charterers (FrenFret), led by deputies Bacelar (PV-BA) and Carlos Chiodini (PMDB-SC). This is the first time in history that the sector has gained representation in the National Congress. The event was attended by authorities and businesspeople from the sector.

“The world has changed, but persecution is occurring en masse,” said Marcelo Nunes, president of the Brazilian Association of Collaborative Charterers (Abrafrec). “Just this week, five companies were revoked and forced to stop operating. There are another 60 charter companies on the ANTT line. This is not fair, it is not democratic and it is not Brazil. This is a country of freedom. Why then declare the end of the little ones? We were at ANTT and the agency said it couldn’t do anything. We need to break down the closed circuit and regulate the sector”, asked Nunes, who will also be executive secretary of FrenFret.

The front’s objective is to defend the interests of the bus charter sector in the country, supporting the adoption of new technologies and helping to democratize this market, which is so important for tourism today. Among the group’s ideas is the discussion of proposals to update the legislation that regulates chartered transport, a service that has been gaining an increasing number of users across the country since the arrival of digital platforms. The tourism front should contribute to increasing Brazilian GDP by up to R$2.7 billion.

“There are hundreds of cases of persecution, inefficiency and lack of objectivity. Our main objective today is to revoke decree 2521 of 1998, responsible for the closed circuit. Innovations are present in the world and no one can stop them. They may have an oligopoly, but the future demands progress. This is a problem not just for charterers, but for all of us. The buses ask for tickets and are passing by”, said Bacelar, deputy leader of the Lula government in the Chamber and president of the front.

Representative Carlos Chiodini (PMDB-SC), president of the parliamentary front representing the National Congress, guaranteed that the group will formalize the struggle and market difficulties in a letter that will be delivered to the Ministry of Transport. “Today we celebrate a new milestone in defending public policies, especially for the charter sector. I also speak in the name of innovation that, like a wave, breaks inefficiency and results in better goods and services for the population. Innovation is not just synonymous with technology. It’s about doing things differently, in an agile, productive way, cheaper and with more access. The charter industry has been crying out for this for years. There are more than 12 million passengers and more than 750 companies that suffer the effects of a regulation from two decades ago,” he said.

On that occasion, the front presented a manifesto in defense of the charterers, in which they committed to handing over to the President the document exposing the sensitivities of the charter and the pre-eminent need for measures within the Executive, which put an end to the unconstitutional and illegal problems that caused the sector suffers.

The post Tourism businesspeople protest against ANTT appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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