Sat. Sep 21st, 2024


Minister Dias Toffoli, of the STF (Supreme Federal Court), stated this Monday (25) that the country was close to a democratic rupture and that Brazil might not be in a democracy if it weren’t for the prosecutor’s “force of silence” -general of the Republic, Augusto Aras.

“If it weren’t for your responsibility, your patience, your discretion and the strength of your silence, Augusto Aras, perhaps we wouldn’t be here. We wouldn’t perhaps have democracy,” said Toffoli.

The statement was made at a CNMP (National Council of the Public Prosecutor’s Office) ceremony in which Aras awarded medals from the National Order of Merit of the Public Prosecutor’s Office to several authorities — among them, Toffoli, STF minister Luiz Fux and the secretary of the Civil House from the Federal District, Gustavo Rocha.

During the speech, Toffoli compared Aras’ management as head of the PGR (Attorney General’s Office) with a biblical parable that deals with divine grace.

“The grace in this country was having Antônio Augusto Brandão de Aras at the head of the Public Ministry during these four years. This white head, as we joke, with responsibility”, he said.

“I make these references because they are things (that will be) told later in history. Because few people know, but we were very close to the rupture. And in the rupture there is no Public Prosecutor’s Office, there are no rights, there is no grace. Grace is be a friend of the king”, added the minister.

Critical of Lava Jato and responsible for the latest setbacks to the task force, Toffoli also said that the Public Ministry must give effect to the law and not to “abuse, hatred, intolerance and destruction of institutions”.

“It is an example of this Public Ministry that defends institutions and democracy and does not destroy them. And does not use them as a climb for other interests. The Public Ministry that gives the grace of the lord of the vineyard equal to everyone”, concluded Toffoli, quoting the biblical parable again.

The praise ceremony was the last presided over by Aras after four years at the helm of the PGR and the CNMP. He will leave command of the institutions this Tuesday (26). President Lula (PT) has not yet defined who will be his successor.

In his speech, Aras did not comment on his succession and said he would take stock of his mandate later, during his last ordinary session of the CNMP.

The prosecutor, however, stated that the Federal Public Ministry is today a “much more mature institution, more aware of its responsibilities” than when the Federal Constitution was promulgated, in 1988.

“Let us know how to draw inspiration from those who guided us to this moment in our history and built the path we follow today and build for those who will succeed us”, he said.

Aras was criticized during his administration under the accusation of being silent in investigations targeting former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL) — responsible for his appointment and reappointment even outside the triple lists formed by the Public Ministry category.

In an attempt to secure a reappointment in the PGR under Lula, Aras made publications on social media distancing himself from the Bolsonaro administration. In videos, he defended his management in examining the conduct of government officials in combating Covid-19 and also in the area of ​​the environment.

In the publications, Aras also stated that the body was diligent in monitoring administrative acts and public spending intended to combat the pandemic. He cites situations such as the lack of oxygen crisis in hospitals in Manaus.

The post Toffoli cites the risk of rupture under Bolsonaro and says that perhaps we would not have democracy without Aras’ silence appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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