Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

General Augusto Heleno, former minister of the Institutional Security Cabinet (GSI), was simple and direct when asked by Senator Eliziane Gama, CPI rapporteur, about the coup attempt that took place on January 8, 2023: “there was no attempt to blow”.

Despite having received authorization to remain silent during the testimony, the general provided clarifications made by the rapporteur.

Before answering the questions, even in his opening speech, Heleno stated that he “never discussed electoral matters” with his subordinates at the GSI. Furthermore, she reminded those present that he stopped being minister at the end of Jair Bolsonaro’s term, on December 31, 2022, and therefore, he would not be able to provide clarifications on January 8.

Questioned by Eliziane Gama about the coup draft, Heleno stated that he had no knowledge of the matter, and once again emphasized that on 8/1 there was no coup attempt, since “to characterize an attempted coup in a country as large as the Brazil, you need a very well put together structure, as well as a very prepared management to achieve this, even more so in the age of communication and technology”, he added.

There was also a moment of argument between the rapporteur and General Heleno, who would have minimized the content of the documents produced by the Brazilian Intelligence Agency (Abin).

Before giving the floor to other parliamentarians, Eliziane questioned the former minister about the results of the elections, since during the 2022 electoral campaign, he publicly demonstrated his distrust in electronic voting machines and the entire electoral process. Today, however, the answer was different. “The results of the elections have already been confirmed, there is already a new president of the Republic, I cannot say that (the elections) were rigged.”

The post “There was no coup attempt on 1/8”, says General Heleno appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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