Thu. Oct 3rd, 2024


After defeats in the Legislative Assembly and difficulties in the relationship with state deputies, governor Tarcísio de Freitas (Republicans) has dedicated himself in recent weeks to opening a channel with a good number of mayors in São Paulo.

Since the 4th, the governor’s agenda has already recorded 13 meetings with groups of mayors. The main topic is the privatization of Sabesp -Tarcísio wants to meet with the mayors of the 375 cities served by the company.

While accumulating problems to approve simple projects in the state Legislature, Tarcísio seeks the support of municipal managers to achieve his main goal, the privatization of the state-owned sanitation company – which must face opposition in the Assembly.

Mayors told the report that they had been ignored by the government, but that their stance changed and they received special attention when the topic was Sabesp. The heads of municipal executives take the opportunity to talk about other pending issues and try to guarantee resources.

At meetings, Tarcísio has presented data about the company and the privatization plan to support that investments already planned will be fulfilled and others will be advanced. There are criticisms that the discourse errs on the side of genericity and sometimes ignores local realities in cities.

On a side note, the governor has also dealt with agreements and works in the respective regions, arguing that privatization will be good for the state’s cash flow. Tarcísio has taken advantage of the meetings to give an overview of management in a kind of accountability.

With the drop in ICMS revenue, mayors have joined deputies in demanding amendments and agreements.

Those who follow the governor’s movements say that, through bridges with mayors, Tarcísio seeks to influence deputies and attract public opinion to his agenda, especially privatization. It would be, according to parliamentarians, a way of softening the political climate, which has not been favorable.

Allies say they believe that the privatization of Sabesp could be sent to the Assembly this year, while opponents foresee the vote only next year – when municipal elections could contaminate the debate.

Among left-wing deputies, who are against privatization, Tarcísio’s bet on mayors is seen as a shot in the foot. They believe that municipal managers will not commit to an unpopular issue, especially given the fear of a fare increase, something that the government claims will not happen.

For privatization to happen, the government wants all municipalities served by Sabesp to extend, en bloc, their contracts with the company until 2060. The effort is to avoid discontent and, in doing so, seek to avoid possible judicialization of the process.

The company’s highest revenue, São Paulo, has already signaled that it should join the bloc, in a context in which Mayor Ricardo Nunes (MDB) needs Tarcísio’s support in 2024.

At the same time, the governor has been working to unlock the relationship with deputies. Without a solid support base, Tarcísio has not yet sent the main projects for the second semester to the House, an administrative reform and a PEC (proposed amendment to the Constitution) that allows spending on education to be reduced to invest in health. The PEC needs the approval of 57 of the 94 deputies.

In a meeting with allied deputies on the 4th, at Palácio dos Bandeirantes, Tarcísio promised to meet the demands of deputies and mayors and indicated that he had started paying amendments and appointing allies in positions of trust.

According to parliamentarians, the governor even made a mea culpa, admitted mistakes and admitted to being indebted to his supporters in the Assembly. He argued that he arrived at the palace a short time ago and that he is trying to get it right.

After the meeting, Tarcísio managed to have his favorite name for a vacancy in the TCE (State Audit Court), Marco Aurélio Bertaiolli, be nominated by the House and that the project that increases judicial fees be approved with 51 votes – after suffering a lack of quorum in a previous session.

Before sending the PEC, other projects by the governor had not yet been approved in the plenary – the amnesty for fines related to Covid-19, which benefits former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL), and São Paulo’s membership of Cosud (Consórcio of South and Southeast Integration).

In a sign considered important by allies, the government committed to paying R$11 million this year in agreements and works indicated by each parliamentarian in the base – in addition to R$10.5 million in mandatory amendments, something to which all deputies are entitled. The palace also prepares a map of positions to be able to negotiate with the benches in the Assembly.

While criticism from parliamentarians aligned with Tarcísio is made behind the scenes, the opposition has used the platform to expose the fractured relationship. This Wednesday (13), deputy Reis (PT) stated that the government is winding up the House.

“The government cannot be a general bully. We cannot have a government that bullies the deputies. (…) Every day is a little story, a little chat. (…) The government cannot be Tarcísio ‘Rolando Lero ‘, he can’t be a guy who promises and doesn’t deliver. (…) So, governor, stop fooling us, keep your word”, he said.

Last week, Beth Sahão (PT) pointed out that the Assembly is subject to the governor’s will and reported that she had received a call from “a mayor of an important city” asking her to vote in favor of increasing court fees, as advocated by the government – the PT was against it.

“When the state government wants the vote, it calls its base to the palace and decides there which vote people will have to give here. It’s embarrassing, because it takes away the autonomy of each deputy, who cannot vote with your conscience,” he said.

The post Tarcísio turns to mayors to circumvent the conflict with deputies appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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