Sun. Sep 22nd, 2024


Governor Tarcísio de Freitas (Republicans) vetoed a bill that intended to expand the campaign against HPV, taking vaccination of children and adolescents into schools once a year.

The project was proposed by parliamentarians Patrícia Gama (PSDB), Marina Helou (Rede), Delegada Graciela (PL), and Edna Macedo (Republicans), and approved by Alesp (Legislative Assembly of the State of São Paulo) in early August.

The decision was published in the government’s Official Gazette, in the September 14 edition. In justification, Tarcísio argued that there are already public policies in place on the topic.

When contacted, the Department of Health said that the veto occurred due to a technical issue, since every vaccination strategy must be built together with the municipalities, and that the state of São Paulo follows the guidelines and guidelines of the National Immunization Program, under the responsibility of the general government.
Furthermore, he highlighted that the department carries out several actions to combat HPV, including immunization, available since 2014 as a routine vaccine in more than 5,000 health centers in the state, via SUS.

“Currently, its target audience includes girls and boys aged 9 to 14 years old and any immunocompromised person aged 9 to 45 years old. Additionally, in May this year, the state expanded vaccination to victims of sexual violence” , stated the folder.

The ministry said it has already created a proposal for immunization in schools.

According to the secretariat, since March this year there has been a pilot project with Sesi and Senai schools. This action has already been agreed with the Bipartite Intermanagers Council (CIB), which is responsible for implementing the public vaccination policy determined by the National Immunization Plan.

“In addition, on September 30th a large multi-vaccination campaign will begin for children and adolescents under 15 years of age, including the HPV vaccine, in state, municipal and private schools”, he concluded.

The post Tarcísio Government vetoes HPV vaccination project in schools appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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