Sun. Sep 22nd, 2024

The Women’s Secretariat (SMDF), in partnership with the Inside Brasil institute, will carry out the campaignWoman, don’t shut up!, which seeks to expand the debate on gender-based violence throughout the Federal District. The objective is to reach the public that circulates in subway stations. The initiative begins next Thursday (28th), at Estação Galeria, and will travel to four other stations until October 27th.

Posters, banners and stands promoting awareness and support will be at strategic stations, such as Central, Galeria dos Estados, Águas Claras, Praça do Relógio and Ceilândia Centro. Furthermore, the campaign will have a striking visual identity, with train stickers.

For the Secretary of Women, Giselle Ferreira, the action Woman, don’t shut up! represents an important step in the fight to defend women, seeking to create a more fair and equal society. “Violence against women is a sad reality that the DF faces. We understand that information is the greatest weapon we can have to combat this evil. The objective is to raise awareness among subway users about the seriousness of the situation and encourage a culture of respect and peace in family and social relationships”, says Giselle.

With the project’s actions, SMDF hopes to directly reach more than 30 thousand people, with an expanded indirect impact, considering that each person can replicate the information at least once. The campaign, in addition to raising awareness among men not to commit violence against women, will guide women who suffer or witness this violence not to remain silent and report the aggressors.

Campaign Woman, don’t be silent!

Galeria Station (South Commercial Sector) – 28/9 and 29/9 and 2/10 and 3/10
Central Station (Plano Piloto Bus Station) – 4/10 to 6/10 and 9/10 and 10/10
Águas Claras Station – 10/11, 10/13 and 10/16 and 10/17
Praça do Relógio Station – From 10/18 to 10/20 and 10/23
Ceilândia Centro Station – From 10/24 to 10/28

Click to find out more information about the campaign.

With information from Agência Brasília

The post Campaign on the subway warns of violence against women appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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