Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Another Military Police officer who is under arrest, Colonel Paulo José Ferreira Souza Bezerra, will testify this Thursday, 21st, to the CPI of the Legislative Chamber about January 8th. It has explosive potential. Colonel Paulo Jose Bezerra does not accept any responsibility. His defense says that “he fought on the field, at the risk of his own life”.

The president of the CPI, deputy Chico Vigilante, expects a lot from the testimony. Firstly, Colonel Paulo José said he was willing to speak. Secondly, the biggest burden of accusations today rests on him: he is named as the person responsible for opening the Esplanada to the invaders.

He also replaced Colonel Jorge Eduardo Naime Barreto in the PM’s Operations Department, but claims that he has nothing to do with it as he returned from vacation and has no idea why all the other commanders would be off during this period.

In a report sent to the Federal Supreme Court, the Federal Police states the opposite, ensuring that Colonel Paulo José “acted negligently, in view of the crimes committed on the day of the event, by not preparing the operational planning for the overt policing of the Federal District”.

In turn, the colonel says that the responsibility is federal. He claims that the DF PM mobilized 500 agents to dismantle the camp, but “there was no understanding with the Army to continue the said operation.”

The post Testimony with explosive potential appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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