Sat. Sep 21st, 2024


The Tarcísio de Freitas (Republicans) administration found 143 cracolândias spread across the state. The information is contained in the 2024-2027 Multi-Year Plan sent to Alesp (Legislative Assembly) in August and is sourced from the Public Security Secretariat, headed by Guilherme Derrite.

The text does not detail where they are located or what size each one is. When questioned, the government refused to forward to Folha de S.Paulo the cities where open scenes of drug use were found and how many people they involve.

Currently, the cracolândia that took place in the Santa Ifigênia neighborhood, in the center of São Paulo, has become a powder keg, with death, robberies and protests. Around a thousand drug addicts frequent the region.

According to the document, the intention is to reduce cracklands gradually throughout the administration.

There would be 129 points of drug use in 2024, 116 in 2025 and 104 in 2026, the last year of the Tarcísio administration.

According to the numbers included in the Multi-Year Plan, the next governor should have on hand in his first year in office (2027) the number of 94 open scenes of drug use.

In a statement, the government’s Communication Secretariat stated that management has been actively working to combat drug trafficking, reduce open scenes of use and offer a viable outlet for individuals dependent on chemical substances throughout the state.

Through the document, the Tarcísio administration points out that actions against drug use in public places must be carried out by the departments of Social Development, Health, Public Security and the Civil House under a budget of R$322 million over four years.

For researcher at Unifesp (Federal University of São Paulo) and technical consultant at SPDM (Associação Paulista para o Desenvolvimento da Medicina) Clarice Madruga, it is difficult to say whether a significant reduction in quantity is possible.

“The use of dissipation strategies and an active approach so that (users) have access to treatment is not enough. The big challenge is to ensure that this is sustainable, that is, to ensure that these people are able to reintegrate socially after completing the initial phase treatment,” he says.

She points out a bottleneck in the lack of public social support policies, such as housing and job vacancies. “We are talking about a population that has been homeless for at least five years, with no social ties outside the homelessness scene,” she states. She also advocates the implementation of preventive actions, especially early intervention.

“There is a gap in secondary prevention, which is to have a broader menu of services and treatment modalities to treat chemical dependency before it worsens so much until the person arrives at the scene of use. We have an open tap with people worsening and going for whatever the usage scene.”

Another point mentioned by the government in the document is an attempt to reduce the number of crimes around Cracolândias.

Currently, according to available data, the rate of robberies and thefts in open scenes of drug use is 685 per 100 thousand inhabitants. The intention is for there to be a gradual drop until reaching 587 per 100 thousand inhabitants in 2026. For the following year, the objective is to reach 557 per 100 thousand inhabitants.

For Felippe Angeli, advocacy coordinator at Justa, an entity that monitors public authorities’ actions, there is a lack of transparency in the plan, especially regarding where the scenes are located and the methodology adopted to reduce flows (concentration of users).

Angeli cites the combination of information about scenes of use with criminal data as a problem.

“It is not oriented towards users, it is not oriented towards public health, it is oriented towards theft and robbery rates in these scenes. In other words, you are protecting, in theory, objects, not people.”
In a statement, the Tarcísio de Freitas administration said that it has a program to recover and get these addicts off the streets. “Through a more qualified approach, it is possible to define individualized, more humanized and effectively appropriate treatment strategies for each patient, whether through conventional hospitalization or guidance to therapeutic homes and communities, in which affected individuals can remain for a period of time. from six to 24 months, according to medical evaluation”, says an excerpt from the statement.

According to the note, police actions resulted in the arrest of 344 drug dealers and the seizure of more than 153 tons of drugs, a loss of approximately R$23 million to trafficking, between January and July.

The post State of SP has 143 cracolândias, says management Tarcísio appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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