Mon. Sep 23rd, 2024


A mega-operation by the Civil Police of Bahia, which also included collaboration between teams from the Military Police, Federal Police and Federal Highway Police, resulted in six deaths and 15 arrests this Friday morning (22), in the neighborhood of Águas Claras, in Savior.

The police claim that the group targeted by the operation is involved in drug trafficking and is responsible for more than 30 homicides. According to the Civil Police, the six dead had resisted arrest.

“During the investigation, 15 men and women had their arrest warrants served and six resisted, were taken to the hospital, but did not survive”, says the Civil Police, in a statement. The report asked whether any police officers were injured, but received no response.

Money, weapons and drugs were seized during the execution of 15 arrest warrants and 43 search and seizure warrants in the so-called Saigon Operation. Police did not say whether the detainees already have a lawyer.

“This group is responsible for more than 30 homicides. It is an operation resulting from the investigative work of more than a year carried out by teams from the DHPP (Department of Homicide and Personal Protection), which gathered field information and used intelligence data analysis and modern investigative techniques, gathering evidence against the actions of criminals and allowing the representation of precautionary measures of arrest and search and seizure against members of the organization”, said the director of the DHPP, delegate Andréa Ribeiro.

The arrested suspects were taken to the DHPP headquarters, in the Itapuã neighborhood, in Salvador.
The operation also targets the prison system and the city of Feira de Santana, where the criminal organization would also operate, according to the Civil Police.


Around 2,0000 students from the municipal education network were left without classes in the Águas Claras region.
According to Smed (Municipal Education Department), due to the feeling of insecurity in the neighborhood, five schools Eduardo Campos, Cantinho das Crianças, São Damião, Iraci Fraga and Francisco Leite, had their activities suspended.

Public transport was also affected in the region, with changes to itineraries. Semob (Municipal Mobility Secretariat) states that buses operating in the neighborhoods of Cajazeiras 7 and Águas Claras are not going to the end of the line.

The post Six suspects die and 15 are arrested in mega police operation in Salvador appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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