Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The Ministry of Health revoked a tender to contract air transport services to serve isolated indigenous communities after the Federal Comptroller General (CGU) highlighted a risk of overpricing of up to R$30 million per year.

Air transport services are necessary to take health professionals and sanitation workers to communities where access by road or river is restricted. This is the case of indigenous districts in Eastern Roraima and Yanomami territory.

The estimated value in the auction was R$125.3 million per year, with an initial duration of five years.

The CGU audit highlighted flaws in the price research and in the division of the notice, which separates the transport of teams and cargo, which in the technicians’ opinion is not the most advantageous model.

The report from the Comptroller General of the Union, released on Monday, 18, also questions the requirement for a minimum number of aircraft for each item in the bid. The agency states that the requirement may restrict competition.

“The competitiveness of the contest to date has been restricted, leading to the selection of the same company currently contracted for the majority of the bid items. (…) In practice, the continuation of the said contest does not provide any advantage for the Public Administration. Otherwise, it only results in an increase in prices charged, for the exclusive benefit of the contracted company”, says an excerpt from the document.

At first, the Ministry of Health was against canceling the tender. The ministry argued that medical assistance to indigenous communities could be compromised, but retreated after the CGU’s recommendations. The decision was published on August 18th in theOfficial Diary of the Union.

CMy word, Ministry of Health

“The Ministry of Health informs that the aforementioned auction has been canceled and that the appropriate measures are already being taken to ensure the air transport service in the Special Indigenous Health Districts of Eastern Roraima and Yanomami.”

The post Saúde cancels tender after CGU points out risk of overpricing of up to R$30 million per year appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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