Sun. Sep 22nd, 2024

Saturday is vaccination day at Parque da Cidade. From 9am to 3pm, in parking lot 11, there will be a service point as part of the National Traffic Week celebrations. Babies, children, teenagers, adults and the elderly will be able to be immunized against Covid-19, flu and other diseases, according to the vaccination schedule. Nearby, in parking lot 10, there will be an anti-rabies vaccination point for dogs and cats.

Those who cannot go to Parque da Cidade will have other options. Still on Saturday, there will be another 21 sites for human vaccination, in Taguatinga, Planaltina, Ceilândia, São Sebastião, Asa Sul, Asa Norte, Sobradinho, Santa Maria, Gama, Guará, Estrutural, Candangolândia, Núcleo Bandeirante and Riacho Fundo I and II . The complete list of addresses and opening hours is available on the Department of Health (SES-DF) website (

More options will also become available to immunize dogs and cats against rabies. In total, 66 locations serve various administrative regions. Check out all the locations here. The complete list is also available on the folder’s website. The guideline is to take animals that are at least three months old, with muzzles, collars, leashes or transport boxes.


On Sunday there will be vaccination only for humans. At Parque da Cidade, actions related to National Traffic Week continue, with the SES-DF team working on immunizing visitors from 9am to 3pm. Residents of the Terra Nova Settlement, in Arapoanga, will have service from 9am to 12pm.

The post Saturday will have vaccinations for the whole family at Parque da Cidade, including dogs and cats appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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