Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Guys, we all know that motherhood is not easy at all, however, during her participation in the Téte e Theo podcast, actress Samara Felippo addressed a topic that is not talked about much by people, sex after motherhood.

“A mother misses cumming loudly, because once you’re a mother (you have sex with as little noise as possible). It’s horrible (holding back the scream while cumming)”, began the actress.

Continuing, Samara states that she does not like the role of being a mother, but emphasizes that this does not invalidate or diminish the love she has for her daughters.

“I don’t like waking up early, I didn’t like being pregnant, my skin getting blemishes, I didn’t like pausing my career… This doesn’t invalidate my motherhood and the unconditional love I have for my daughters, everything I dedicated and still dedicate to them. It was taboo. When I spoke, many women said ‘thank you, I’m not a monster'”, she said.

The post Samara Felippo vents about post-maternity sex: “I miss cumming loudly” appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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