Fri. Sep 20th, 2024


Giovanni Cardoso traveled to South Africa last week. Winter in Brazil wasn’t even over. This only happened last Saturday (23). It should have been the most difficult period of the year for the founding partner of Mondial, the country’s main ventilator manufacturer. It was not.

“We sold 42% more compared to the winter of 2022. If we think from September to March, our projection is for growth of 62% compared to the same period last year”, he states.

The joy wasn’t just his. The fan and air conditioning market has had three months in its history. Or, as Cardoso defines it, it was a very warm winter for the sector’s industries.

“If we look at the month of August and especially the last 20 days of September, sales were 54% higher. For Split air conditioners, September was even more significant: there was an increase of 73% compared to the same month of the previous year” , says Natacha Tcholakian, CEO of Ventisol from Santa Catarina.

According to Inmet (National Institute of Meteorology), the winter of 2023 was the warmest since 1961. São Paulo and parts of Minas Gerais had up to 70 days of temperatures above 30º C. The same index as some regions in the North, Northeast and Midwest.

The heat was driven by El Niño, an atmospheric and oceanic phenomenon that warms the waters of the Pacific Ocean and drives intense masses of hot, dry air.

The average temperature is 23.6º C in winter. This year, they reached 29.5º C, almost five degrees higher than in 2022 (24.7º C).

The heat wave brought discussions about global warming and climate change, but was celebrated by companies in the sector.

“In the last three years we have had an atypical summer due to the La Niña phenomenon, which brought a lot of rain to the entire country. Sales were carried out within normal limits. Now, in addition to the high temperatures we had during the winter, the summer tends to be very hot We feel that sales in general in recent months have been very significant and we have achieved growth of approximately 25% compared to 2022”, says Fabio Lins, commercial director of portables at Britânia.

This is a similar percentage to that recorded by Philco in the sale of air conditioners.

“Our growth (this winter) was more than 30%. In previous years, we had more balanced temperatures and demand was not as intense as now. We feel that since the beginning of the year the search has been high in all regions of Brazil”, adds Pedro Cheliga, the company’s development manager.

The industry seeks to make adjustments to the size of the sector’s Brazilian market in 2023. Around 18 million fans and 5.5 million air conditioners are sold per year. But executives believe that, in the summer, starting at the end of December, demand may be greater than supply.

“We grew 37% in this period. Since the beginning of the year we prepared for this, with growth closed for the third quarter. Historically, we observe that the sellout (the total sale of inventory) is concentrated from October to February , with peaks from November to January. The issue of climate change is important, but it is not the only one. There is new labeling, a new air conditioning testing process that has increased the energy efficiency index and our entire line meets this” , says Thiago Dias, director of Samsung’s air conditioning division.

There are also dates that traditionally increase sales, such as Black Friday, on November 24th.

“LG is optimistic about this year’s results, especially in the second half of the year, which brings special dates for retail, such as Black Friday and Christmas. These are events that precede the hottest season of the year. It is the ideal time for consumers to purchase devices of air conditioning”, says Rodrigo Fiani, vice president of sales for IT, BSB and air conditioning at LG do Brasil.

The company recorded an increase in sales of 98% between July and August this year, compared to June. In relation to the winter of 2022, the growth was 26%.

There is concern among business owners about orders from retail chains, which would have reacted late to the increase in demand and may do the same for the end of the year months. If orders for the industry do not come through, there could be a hole in the supply of fans and air conditioners.

“We provide consultancy for retailers and advise (about production projections). But they always leave it until the last minute. We will have to produce a lot. In the summer, consumption will be greater than production”, analyzes Giovanni Cardoso, from Mondial.

Natacha Tcholakian recognizes that if the current heat persists until the end of the year, Ventisol’s production will have to be reinforced. Britânia is expanding the fan production line at its factory in Joinville, Santa Catarina. Samsung planned production for the rest of the year between March and April, aiming for 20% growth.

All brands in the sector hire meteorological services to estimate the temperature of future months and adapt production. Cardoso says he is already thinking about what 2024 will be like.

“Demand is above average and the forecast is that it will remain that way”, celebrates Fabio Lins, director of Britânia.

The post Sale of fans and air conditioning jumps and exceeds production, says sector appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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