Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Sao Paulo-SP

The American magazine Rolling Stones released this Monday, the 18th, a list of the fifty best rock albums in Latin America, including Brazilian artists.

The best-positioned national album, according to the American publication, is “Clube da Esquina”, an anthological work released in 1979 by Milton Nascimento and Lô Borges. Work appears in fourth place.

The album was recorded practically live, on a two-channel table — one for the voices, the other for the instruments.

Despite not being immediately received as a classic, “Clube da Esquina” produced a second volume in 1978, and only became more recognized over the decades.

In addition to boosting the solo careers of the artists involved, for Milton, the album meant an opening in the horizons of his art, a fundamental step for him to become one of the great names in Brazilian music.

In sixth place comes the album “Os Mutantes”, released in 1968 by the band of the same name, of which singer Rita Lee was the lead singer. It was in this group that the singer, who died in May this year, emerged on the music scene.

“Em Ritmo de Aventura”, by Roberto Carlos, appears in nineteenth place on the list, which also includes the Tribalistas’ first album, released in 2002, “Ventura”, by Los Hermanos, “Selvagem”, by Paralamas do Sucesso, ” Forbidden Fruit”, by Rita Lee and “Krig-ha Bandolo!”, by Raul Seixas.

The post Rita Lee is part of the list of the best rock albums in Latin America appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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