Sun. Sep 22nd, 2024

Soon, those who travel daily along Avenida Sayonara, in Gama, will see the results of the improvements carried out by the Government of the Federal District (GDF) in the region. The asphalt on the road, one of the busiest in the city, is being restored by teams from Companhia Urbanizadora da Nova Capital (Novacap), bringing more comfort and safety to almost eight thousand daily drivers.

The work is in the stage of replacing the old asphalt that will make way for the new track. 398 tons of asphalt will be applied to restore the 667 meter long section. The investment is R$1.65 million, generating 14 direct and indirect jobs.

“The GDF is working to transform lives, to bring a better quality of life to the population of Gama”, emphasizes Joseane Feitosa, the city’s regional administrator, adding that the asphalt recovery services extend to other lanes.

In addition to Avenida Sayonara, the access roads to the cemetery and the section of DF-290 are undergoing improvements. “We surveyed some avenues that needed this asphalt restoration and we are working to tear up the old asphalt to make way for a new one, bringing more safety and comfort to residents”, adds the administrator.

Those who live in the region praise the work carried out by the GDF to restore the city’s main roads. “I’ve been a resident here in Gama since I was born. The improvement meets the wishes of residents who suffered from craters during rainy periods, increasing the number of accidents. With absolute certainty, I realize that asphalt restoration will bring greater quality and safety to the road, benefiting residents and drivers in the region”, says bank employee Guilherme Teles, 32 years old.

With information from Agência Brasília

The post Recovery of Avenida Sayonara will benefit 8 thousand drivers in Gama appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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