Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

The DF Base Hospital (HBDF) will have its X-ray and rest rooms renovated. The investment to transform these spaces, located in the emergency room of the urgency and emergency block, will be R$ 799,816.32, a resource obtained via a parliamentary amendment from the federal deputy and current Secretary of Sport and Leisure, Julio Cesar Ribeiro.

The renovation of physical spaces at Hospital de Base, which is the largest hospital center in the Central-West and a reference in several specialties, has been a priority for the GDF. Recently, the kitchen and dining room also underwent improvements, changes that should soon reach other floors.

The renovation of physical spaces at the Hospital de Base, which is the largest hospital center in the Central-West and a reference in several specialties, has been a priority for the GDF | Photo: Tony Oliveira/ Agência Brasília

According to the president of IgesDF, Juracy Cavalcante Lacerda Júnior, responsible for the administration of the hospital, the work represents a major advance for public health in the DF. “The renovation of the radiology ward and the reception of the new tomograph will improve our ability to provide more accurate and agile diagnoses”, he details.

The parliamentary amendment appeal has already been published and signed and services are expected to begin soon. “This investment represents a significant advance in the quality of health services in the DF”, adds the president of IgesDF.

Author of the parliamentary amendment, Julio Cesar Ribeiro highlighted the size of the hospital unit to reinforce the importance of the resource. “Hospital de Base is the largest public health care unit in the Federal District. Knowing this, I have always prioritized allocating resources from our amendments to ensure improvements in the health of our population. This time, thanks to these resources, we will renovate the unit’s X-ray and rest rooms, valuing good reception and in the future speeding up care for the population, which depends on public services in our city,” he said.

This investment comes in addition to others made recently. At the end of August, for example, the GDF delivered renovations to the kitchen and cafeteria at the Hospital de Base, an intervention carried out without interrupting the daily production that serves more than 6 thousand patients. R$675,000 were invested to transform the site, which had been without major interventions in this structure for over 40 years.

Base also received R$8 million in equipment, which allowed the purchase of 50 new beds, duodenoscope and videocolonoscope equipment, as well as monitors, anesthesia carts and ventilators.

*With information from Ian Ferraz, from Agência Brasília

The post Radiology wing at Hospital de Base will be renovated appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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