Sun. Sep 22nd, 2024

This Friday (22), at the PRF Operational Unit (UOP) on BR 070, in Ceilândia (DF), the PRF carried out a blood alcohol inspection in reference to National Traffic Week. In an integrated action between the Federal Highway Police (PRF) and the Ministry of Transport, through the National Traffic Secretariat (SENATRAN), the event is part of a set of actions promoted by bodies and institutions committed to reducing violence in traffic in Brazil and the use of alcohol and driving is one of the main topics covered due to the high number of traffic accidents resulting from this combination.

In addition to the educational action addressing topics related to traffic safety in an informal chat with drivers and passengers, vehicles and people are inspected, and drivers undergo alcohol testing. The objective is to mitigate the number of traffic accidents and make drivers aware of the danger of combining alcohol and driving.

In addition to drunk driving, undue overtaking, not using a seat belt, inappropriately transporting children, not using a helmet, speeding and using a cell phone while driving, are some of the infractions that the PRF aims to raise awareness, prevent and curb.

National Traffic Week is celebrated annually between the 18th and 25th of September and is scheduled at the CTB. Its purpose is to raise awareness among citizens in order to internalize values ​​that contribute to the commitment to valuing life, through behaviors and actions that guarantee the citizen’s right to come and go. This year 2023, the chosen theme is “In traffic, choose life”.

This initiative is in line with the second promotion of the Decade of Action for Traffic Safety 2021-2030, proposed by the United Nations, in which the signatories committed to reducing traffic violence. Brazil, like other countries, has set a goal of reducing deaths by 50% for the period and is in compliance with the National Death Reduction Plan (PNATRAS), as well as the Contingency Plan for Prevention and Confrontation to Serious Accidents – PCPEAG, with the objective of reducing the rates of Serious Accidents and Deaths on federal highways, from June to December 2023.

The post PRF and SENATRAN carry out alcohol monitoring in Brasília appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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