Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Senator Vanderlan Cardoso (PSD-GO), president of the Senate’s Economic Affairs Committee (CAE), one of the most important in the House, criticized this Tuesday, 26th, the Minister of Finance, Fernando Haddad, for a speech involving the casting vote in Carf and demanded that the minister recant.

Haddad’s statement was given in an interview with the programFree Channel, from Band, on September 17th. On that occasion, the Minister of Finance made an analogy between the businessmen convicted in Carf and inmates. “It’s the same thing as taking four delegates and four inmates to judge a habeas corpus case, with the tie favoring the inmate,” said Haddad.

A member of the Senate’s largest bench, Vanderlan said, during a CAE meeting this Tuesday, that he was “appalled” by the comparison made by Haddad and highlighted that he has collaborated with the government in approving important proposals, such as the Senate’s own bill. Carf.

“Despite this, we collaborate with the government on matters that are important for the country, I was shocked by the recent statement by the Minister of Finance, Fernando Haddad”, said the president of CAE.

The senator classified Haddad’s statement as an “error” and said that “those who support this country are the taxpayers, the productive sector, the companies.”

Vanderlan also highlighted to the parliamentarians present at the committee that he was “one of the defenders of the approval of the quality vote for the government (in Carf)”. “Therefore, minister, I ask that your excellency reflect and, if possible, retract this unfortunate statement. It was an unfair analogy with businesspeople. For our part, we will continue to help Brazil, approving proposals that improve our economy, that generate jobs, income and provide development, without attacking anyone”, he added.

Negative repercussion

Although the declaration was made more than a week ago, the negative repercussions came in the last few days. On Monday, the 25th, the Association of Counselors Representatives of Taxpayers at the Administrative Council of Tax Appeals (Aconcarf) released a note criticizing the minister for the statement, which was seen by the association with “a deep feeling of sadness, revolt and indignation”

For Aconcarf, “in an attempt to defend the return of the quality vote, there was extreme disrespect for the professionals who work at Carf”.

“The Minister’s speech attacks the Taxpayers’ advisors, who provide services of public interest to Brazilian society, according to motivated convictions, in accordance with the law, filled with principles and rules of public administration. It also calls into question the method of selecting Advisors”, said the association.

The post CAE President criticizes Haddad for speaking about Carf and demands a retraction from the minister appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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