Mon. Sep 30th, 2024

Sao Paulo-SP

Bassist Mingau, from Ultraje a Rigor, woke up for the first time after being shot in the head, opening his eyes. The new medical bulletin released by Hospital São Luiz do Itaim, in São Paulo, highlights that he is in the process of weaning from mechanical ventilation.

“Patient Rinaldo Amaral (“Mingau”) remains hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit, having woken up this Wednesday (9/20) and opened his eyes. The patient is without sedation and is in the process of “weaning” from mechanical ventilation. The condition is considered stable”, says the text.

The musician was shot in the head in Paraty (RJ), on the 3rd, and received his first treatment at Hugo Miranda Hospital.

Hours later, the artist was transferred to the capital of São Paulo and underwent his first surgery, an emergency intracranial procedure.


In addition to the first suspect arrested, the Rio de Janeiro Military Police identified three more people who may have been involved in the shooting attack on the bassist.

The delegate responsible for the case, Marcello Russo, said that the suspects may have fled the city. “We are carrying out searches and requesting anonymous information to try to arrest the three fugitives. The police are working in search of any clues that could provide their location, as we suspect that they are no longer in Paraty”, he told Extra.

The post Porridge wakes up after having sedation removed; The musician’s picture is stable appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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