Mon. Sep 30th, 2024

This Wednesday morning (20/9), the Federal Police, in joint action with the Federal Revenue, launched Operation Emboabas, with the aim of disrupting criminal schemes involving illegal gold mining.

2 preventive arrest warrants and 16 search warrants were served in the cities of Manaus/AM, Anápolis/GO, Ilha Solteira/SP, Uberlândia/MG, Areia Branca/RN, Ourilândia do Norte/PA, Tucumã/PA and Santa Maria das Barreiras/PA.

An order for the seizure of assets totaling more than R$5.7 billion was also granted.

Operation Emboabas, carried out in Amazonas, identified signs of gold smuggling to Europe after the arrest in the act of a person who was transporting 35 kg of gold, and intended to deliver it to two North Americans, partners in a company in New York.

The investigation revealed that the criminal organization acquires gold from indigenous lands and riverbeds using dredgers and, through fraud, declares that the gold was extracted using regularly established gold mining permits (PLG). It was also identified that the main target carries out the heating of gold through an Austrian who became a naturalized Brazilian and claims to have more than R$20 billion in gold bars in a supposed independent country created by the person being investigated.

Those investigated will be responsible for the crimes of usurpation of Union assets, criminal organization, money laundering, illegal gold extraction, smuggling, ideological falsehood, qualified reception and other types of criminal offenses.

The post PF launches operation against illegal gold mining appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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