Sat. Sep 28th, 2024


After the president of the Chamber, Arthur Lira (PP-AL), said in an interview with Folha de S. Paulo that the government needs to be “careful” with excesses that have emerged in investigations by the PF, the ADPF (National Association of Police Delegates Federal) stated that the corporation’s actions do not privilege or persecute anyone.

“The Federal Police is a State body and throughout its history has gained prestige and society’s trust in the seriousness of its police officers. The investigations carried out by the PF do not privilege or persecute anyone, they are always guided by legality and impartiality”, he stated Luciano Leiro, president of ADPF.

In the interview published on Monday (18), Lira declared that the “Federal Police do not work either as prosecutors or as judges.” “She has to go to the investigation. The investigation is over, the role is over. She can’t go beyond that. There are police officers going beyond that”, concluded the president of the Chamber.

The assessment of members of the PF is that there is nothing to comment on the criticisms of the President of the Chamber.

They say that investigations are based on facts and that the best response the Federal Police can give is to continue with their work on ongoing investigations.

Lira’s allies were targeted by the PF in June this year, in an investigation into suspicions involving robotics kits. The name of the president of the Chamber appeared in the investigation with the launch of the operation, when the police found a list of payments attributed to him. The PF sent the case to the STF and, weeks later, Minister Gilmar Mendes ordered the investigation to be halted.

“This is an allegation. Another abuse, an excess. There is nothing that has been proven in relation to this, including this entire operation was annulled”, stated Lira in the interview.

He also criticized Operation Perfidia, launched last week, which investigates alleged fraud in bidding by the Federal Intervention Office in Rio de Janeiro, then commanded by General Walter Braga Netto (PL). The soldier was minister of former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL) and candidate for vice on the defeated ticket in 2022.

Members of the PF also saw Lira’s statement as an attempt to intimidate the corporation into stopping further investigations.

Leiro states that, “if there are cases in which, after the investigation, the Court decides on the innocence of those being investigated, this only demonstrates the success of the criminal prosecution system, and not abuse or excess on the part of investigators, this is how it is in democracy and in democracy itself.” Brazil’s criminal justice system.”

For the president of ADPF, “we can never give up the functional and investigative autonomy of federal delegates, which is a fundamental prerogative for the smooth running and success of a police investigation, which always counts on the participation of representatives from the Public Ministry and the Judicial power.”

In the interview, Lira was questioned about the performance of Minister Flávio Dino (Justice), but spared him from criticism. The president of the Chamber stated that he has a good relationship with the holder of the portfolio. But he targeted the PF. “What we shouldn’t have is a political police, for nothing. That’s the worst of all worlds. Not even a police officer with the autonomy to do what he wants. We don’t have that. The police are a state body to comply with legal determinations.”

The post PF delegates rebut Lira and say that investigations do not persecute anyone appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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