Mon. Sep 23rd, 2024


The Minister of Institutional Relations, Alexandre Padilha, countered this Tuesday (19) the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Arthur Lira (PP-AL), by stating that the definition of the change in command of Caixa is not linked to the discussions that culminated in the most recent ministerial reform.

At the beginning of the month, the government concluded the ministerial reform process to consolidate the center’s entry into the Executive, with the appointment of the PP leader in the Chamber, André Fufuca (Sports), and the Republican deputy, Silvio Costa Filho (Ports and Airports).

In an interview with Folha de S.Paulo, Lira stated that the change in Caixa Command was included in the agreement signed between the parties. “Caixa is part of the agreement with the parties”, stated Lira in the interview. Afterwards, it was asked whether this would involve the bank’s 12 vice-presidencies. “That was the deal,” he added.

Lira also made it clear that the nomination will be made by her party, the PP. “I have a conversation with President Lula these days. I will still have to talk internally in my party. The names will be made available to the president, who will make the choice”, concluded the president of the Chamber.

In an interview with CBN radio, this Tuesday morning (19), Padilha stated that Caixa already has a president, Rita Serrano, and that any change will be made due to her performance.

“It is logical that the conversation continues about other spaces, which involve other spaces of the government. Caixa is a bank, it has characteristic composition, it is different from the composition of a ministry where the President of the Republic goes there and can make decisions about it” , he stated.

Minister responsible for the government’s political articulation, Padilha also added that any change in command of the bank is not related to the discussions for the ministerial reform, carried out with the central parties.

“The decision (on command of the bank) already exists in the sense that there is a president of Caixa today. Not only about Caixa, but also about any public body, there is a permanent evaluation process by the government. It is separate from this process composition of ministries”, added the minister.

“You make up the ministries because the benches nominated parliamentarians, this has an important weight, because it means that the benches also join in the nominations of the parliamentarians for these ministries. Now the rest of the government remains permanently subject to this permanent evaluation , not only Caixa but any other government public space as well.”

Padilha also stated in the interview with CBN that the government is not currently working on the possibility of dismembering the Ministry of Justice, to create the Public Security portfolio. The topic was discussed during the transition government, but ended up abandoned with the appointment of Flávio Dino to head a more robust department.

Now, with the possibility of Dino being nominated for a vacancy in the STF (Supreme Federal Court), the topic has once again been discussed behind the scenes. The Minister of Institutional Relations, however, denies that this is on the Lula government’s agenda for now.

The post Padilha counters Lira and says that the definition of Caixa is separate from ministerial reform appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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