Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The ophthalmological emergency department at the Taguatinga Regional Hospital (HRT) underwent renovation. The space was expanded and reinvigorated, providing more comfort for patients and better working conditions for servers. The service is available 24 hours a day, with patients referred from the emergency department.

Diabetic, retired Emília de Morais, 56 years old, felt pressure in her eye increase and sought help at HRT. Service was quick. “The doctor gave me some eye drops and said I had signs of cataracts,” she says. Now, she will continue monitoring at the hospital’s polyclinic.

In situations like this, the emergency service is recommended, also offered at the Hospital Regional da Asa Norte (Hran). In both places, patients with clinical complications, styes, conjunctivitis, blows to the eyes, foreign bodies and other possibilities are welcomed.

For eyeglass prescription assessment, medical reports or referrals, the guideline is to look for a basic health unit (UBS) as a gateway. It is possible to find out which UBS is the reference ( by searching by zip code.


The sector revitalization service involved improvements to the floor, walls and ceilings, as well as changes to the furniture and lighting system. A third service station was also installed, which will be used during times of greater patient flow, and a room for procedures such as stitch removal.

The director of HRT, Felipe Motinha, highlights the revitalization as a significant improvement for the patient. “It brings a different perspective when you are treated in a more appropriate environment”, he points out.

Servers also notice positive points with the changes. “Service has become faster”, praises ophthalmologist José Alberto de Aguiar Júnior. “The space was smaller before. It has made it much better for us to provide care”, adds nursing technician Paula Souza. The sector currently has 20 ophthalmologists and two nursing technicians, serving around 300 patients per week, with peaks of up to one hundred receptions in a single day.

The adjustments to the HRT are possible due to regular maintenance contracts signed by the Department of Health (SES-DF) in 2022. In total, the department made an investment of R$74 million to ensure the operation of 297 units. The contracts speed up services such as adjustments to water and energy installations, painting, floor repairs, window replacement, among other needs.

Currently, the HRT also promotes adjustments in the oncology sector, the roof and the electrical network, in addition to having initiated improvements in cots and armchairs in the emergency room.

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Federal District Health Department | Communication consultancy

The post Ophthalmological emergency unit at HRT undergoes revitalization appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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