Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The old uniforms of street cleaners from the Federal District, which were already transformed into “waste” for vehicles, will now result in yet another product for the local population. Using the fabric from used clothes, which need to be changed every six months as per contractual requirements, ecobags will be produced and distributed. The sustainable reuse of the uniforms of urban cleaning professionals in the DF is carried out through a partnership between the Urban Cleaning Service (SLU) and Fábrica Social, a professional training and qualification center managed by the Secretariat of Economic Development, Labor and Income (Sedet ).

Between 2022 and 2023, more than 1,800 deposits of cloth used as bins in vehicles have already been distributed. Currently, the reuse rate of DF street cleaners’ uniforms is around 40%. With the production of ecobags, the idea is to increase reuse.

The reuse of Gari uniforms prevents clothes from falling into the hands of criminals who scam the population | Photo: Naldo Vieira/SLU

“Our goal is to increase the reuse of these clothes. Our estimate is that with ecobags the reuse of uniforms will exceed 70%”, celebrates the Undersecretary of Social Integration of Social Actions of the GDF, Ricardo Lustosa Jacobina.

The person responsible for production at Fábrica Social, Kelly Dias, explains that the analysis of the uniforms has already been carried out and the viability for producing ecobags has been verified, using the upper back and front part of the clothes.

“This initiative sends an important message to the population: that we can use everyday things to be reused, without causing damage to the environment”Kelly Dias, responsible for production at Fábrica Social

“As a citizen and as a person who also works in fashion, I think this reuse is very important because we will take material that would otherwise go to waste. We are not going to discard these clothes, but rather, give them a new use. This initiative sends an important message to the population: that we can use everyday things to be reused, without causing damage to the environment”, comments Kelly.

Both the waste and the ecobags will be distributed to the population in SLU actions. For the director-president of SLU, Silvio Vieira, the project combines social and environmental aspects by reinforcing the municipality’s sustainability purpose and avoiding material waste and inappropriate garbage disposal by raising awareness among the population not to dispose of waste on the city’s streets. city. Furthermore, the initiative benefits people in vulnerable situations who are trained at Fábrica Social.

“Recycling also aims to prevent possible abuses and crimes that could occur if old uniforms fall into the wrong hands, taking advantage of the credibility associated with street cleaners”, reinforces the CEO of SLU.

*With information from SLU

The post Old DF street cleaner uniforms will become ecobags appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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