Wed. Oct 2nd, 2024

The Rio de Janeiro Women’s OAB Commission issued an official note to repudiate the demonstration by the mayor of Barra do Piraí, Mário Esteves (no party), who defended last Thursday, 14th, that girls in the city should be “castrated” to control the population of children in the city, which is about 100km from the capital of Rio de Janeiro.

Note signed by the president of the commission, Flávia Pinto Ribeiro, expresses “vehement repudiation” of the mayor’s statements, “who suggested in a disrespectful, insulting and mocking way that the women of Barrenses be “castrated” and that a law be presented in the City Council limiting the number of children by women”. The document reinforces that the Commission has a “continuous commitment to combat prejudiced and discriminatory acts”.

The Commission’s statement endorses the position of the 6th subsection of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB) of Barra do Piraí, which had already stated that “the speech is typical of an act of misogyny, and once again demonstrates the mayor’s total disrespect for the women”.

The mayor, in turn, claimed to have had no intention “of offending any part of the population, much less women.” He added that he believes his speech problem was “the mistake” of using the technical term “castrate” instead of “tubal ligation.”

Federal law No. 9,263, of 1996, prohibits the application of demographic control measures, which include limiting the number of children or the forced performance of operations such as tubal ligation or vasectomy. The legislation on the subject establishes that family planning “is guided by preventive and educational actions and the guarantee of equal access to information, means, methods and techniques available for regulating fertility”.

‘These girls have to be castrated’

The statements repudiated by the OAB were made by Mayor Mário Esteves during an event in which he announced the opening of a daycare center in the city. “There’s no shortage of children in Barra do Piraí. Where’s Dione (Secretary of Health)? We have to start castrating these girls. Control this population. There are a lot of children, man,” he said.

Esteves also defended the creation of a law to limit the number of children in each family. “It’s a maximum of two. There has to be a law in the Chamber. There must be a daycare center to be built over the next few years. There has to be a federal, state and municipal project, because this control is needed. It’s a lot of responsibility to bring a child into the world “, he stated.

Solidarity Party expels mayor

The leadership of the Solidariedade party in Rio de Janeiro decided to expel mayor Mário Esteves from the party’s ranks after statements about “castrating” the city’s girls. The decision was unanimous and, in a statement released this Sunday, the 17th, the state president of Solidariedade, deputy Aureo Ribeiro, classified the speech as misogynistic (prejudice or hatred against women) and a “total disrespect” towards them.

With the floor, OAB Woman Commission

Read the full note from the Rio de Janeiro OAB Woman Commission, signed by president Flávia Pinto Ribeiro:

OAB Mulher do Rio de Janeiro hereby expresses its vehement repudiation of the recent statements made by the mayor of Barra do Piraí, Mário Reis Esteves, who suggested in a disrespectful, insulting and mocking way that the women of Barrenses be “castrated” and that a law was presented in the City Council limiting the number of children born to women.

In line with our principles of gender equality, respect and promotion of women’s rights, we fully support the demonstration by the Barra do Piraí Subsection in condemnation of words and attitudes that reflect misogyny, disrespect and gender discrimination.

Our OAB Women Commission reiterates its ongoing commitment to combat prejudiced and discriminatory acts, as well as to work tirelessly to build a more egalitarian and fair society for everyone.

We are united in the search for an environment where all women are respected and have their rights preserved, we endorse the Barra do Piraí Subsection position and we sympathize with their efforts in favor of this cause./i>

In words, the city hall of Barra do Piraí

The city hall issued an official note declaring that the mayor’s speech was the result of a “relaxation moment” and that he “never intended to promote any type of practice that is harmful or prejudiced against women.” Read in full:

The mayor of Barra do Piraí, Mario Esteves, understands that tubal ligation is one of the procedures for increasing family planning, as well as vasectomy. He never intended to promote any type of practice that was harmful or prejudiced against women. Proof of this are the investments that the city hall has invested in the Maria de Nazaré Hospital – the Pérola do Vale – and in the Women’s Health and Men’s Health programs, where family planning is discussed. It was a moment of relaxation at the inauguration of an important production and development outlet in the city, the central theme of the event and the main highlight. Any conclusion on this subject shows political ignorance, since castrating is sterilizing. The use of language is much more for those who want to diffuse confusion in the other’s mind, when they should explain.

With the floor, Mayor Mário Esteves

Shortly after the criticism, Mayor Mário Esteves spoke out on social media and said that he got the terms wrong. “I recognize the mistake in changing the technical term-“tubal ligation” for”castrate”,’ he wrote.” However, this does not diminish the importance of the subject. What should be on the agenda was family planning. This is the subject that needs to be in the headlines – and not the exchange in a technical term. Unfortunately, today, any misplaced word can turn into barbarism in the hands of people with bad intentions.”

On Sunday, the 17th, he returned to the networks. With a religious image and a title “Understanding Beyond Words”, she asked for empathy and said that words do not always reflect true intentions. “In the age of instant communication, a simple misunderstanding can trigger harsh judgment. It’s crucial to remember that words don’t always reflect true intentions,” she wrote.

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The post OAB Mulher condemns ‘debauchery’ of mayor who suggested ‘castrating girls’ appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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