Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

The number of registered cases of dengue fever plummeted in the Federal District. An Epidemiological Bulletin released by the Government of the Federal District (GDF), shows that the number of cases fell by 59.4% when compared to the same period of the previous year. The governor of DF, Ibaneis Rocha (MDB), celebrated the fall.

“Another advance for the health of the DF: dengue cases are plummeting. I congratulate the surveillance agents for their work in monitoring outbreaks and specific actions in each region, and to the entire population for contributing to inspections in areas where they live. Together we will increasingly reduce these rates”, said Ibaneis on his social networks.

Dengue is a viral disease transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. The virus is transmitted by the bite of the female Aedes aegypti, an urban, daytime mosquito that breeds in stagnant water deposits.

The period of the year with the highest transmission of the disease occurs in the rainiest months. The accumulation of stagnant water contributes to the proliferation of mosquitoes and, therefore, to the greater spread of the disease. For this reason, it is important to avoid standing water, because mosquito eggs can survive for a year in the environment.

In 2023, 36,990 cases of the disease were reported, of which 27,568 were probable and 94.7% lived in the Federal District. Between January and the first week of September, no deaths were recorded.


The main symptoms of dengue are:

  • High fever > 38°C.
  • Body and joint pain
  • Pain behind the eyes.
  • Bad to be.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Headache.
  • Red spots on the body.
  • However, dengue infection can be asymptomatic (without symptoms), present mild symptoms, warning signs and signs of severity. Normally, the first manifestation of dengue fever is high fever (>38°C), with an abrupt onset, which generally lasts 2 to 7 days, accompanied by headache, body and joint pain, as well as prostration, weakness, pain behind the eyes, and red spots on the skin. Rashes and itchy skin may also occur.

Alarm signals are so called because they signal plasma extravasation and/or hemorrhages that can lead the patient to severe shock and death.

The severe form of the disease includes intense and continuous abdominal pain, nausea, persistent vomiting and mucous membrane bleeding.


As dengue is a viral disease, treatment is carried out to alleviate symptoms by prescribing antipyretics, drinking fluids and resting. Therefore, at the first sign of symptoms, seek a doctor or the health service closest to you.


There are no medications against the dengue virus nor a preventive vaccine. Therefore, the most effective measure is to eliminate mosquito breeding conditions, keeping the space always clean and eliminating possible accumulations of water.

*With information from the Health Department of the Federal District

The post Number of dengue cases drops 59.4% in DF appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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